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Associated Press
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Associated Press

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Kathleen Lake's profile photo

I have an inquiry regarding the pending Racketeering and elections fraud lawsuit naming your entity and the members of your consortium as a defendants and naming you as co-conspirators in the cover up of criminal fraud on a national scale.

Trusted news sources are hard to find and as I don’t really know what a member’s true relationship is with a consortium like this. However, I am concerned and want to know if you are in any manner (other than an unfortunate member status) connected with this elections fraud and racketeering lawsuit.

I have posted a list of members in the your consortium online and there are a lot of my favorite organization and individuals listed there. Please send me any statement to clarify your position and I will post that also. Disinformation and misinformation is a plague right now and I want to make sure I fully understand whether or not you are also a defendant in the suit against your consortium.

Thanks so much,

Kathleen Lake
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Associated Press

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BeautyHealthZoneBlog's profile photoJay Schwartz's profile photoJames Brown's profile photo
Why sat that? Accidents do happen. Especially in Manhattan. 
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Associated Press

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Jeff Smith's profile photo
I remember inventing ap American a cp Canadian je Reuters r writers y Tass t etc based on the Letters of my name Jeffery thomas smith and all of the units groups up into it newsletters newspapers magazines books radio television etc evverywhere all ongoing bible evvery day
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Associated Press

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Kathleen Lake's profile photo

I have an inquiry regarding the pending Racketeering and elections fraud lawsuit naming your entity and the members of your consortium as a defendants and naming you as co-conspirators in the cover up of criminal fraud on a national scale.

Trusted news sources are hard to find and as I don’t really know what a member’s true relationship is with a consortium like this. However, I am concerned and want to know if you are in any manner (other than an unfortunate member status) connected with this elections fraud and racketeering lawsuit.

I have posted a list of members in the your consortium online and there are a lot of my favorite organization and individuals listed there. Please send me any statement to clarify your position and I will post that also. Disinformation and misinformation is a plague right now and I want to make sure I fully understand whether or not you are also a defendant in the suit against your consortium.

Thanks so much,

Kathleen Lake
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Associated Press

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Robert Garland's profile photo
And beautiful
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Associated Press

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