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BladeWinters's profile photo
+Real Time with Bill Maher He recycled that Palin family joke.
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JinnRikki's profile photo
+Real Time with Bill Maher As a Senator, Gravel became nationally known for his forceful but unsuccessful attempts to end the draft during the War in Vietnam and for putting the Pentagon Papers into the public record in 1971 at some risk to himself
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Robert Foutch's profile photoShannon Jacobs's profile photo
Great minds think alike, but what's your excuse? (Not sure I would even describe Bill Maher as a great mind, though he's good at his craft and he may have hired a great writer recently.)

Amusingly enough, I recently read a comedian's book on the theory of comedy, and me mentioned this topic. His comment was that independent creation of similar jokes was the norm, but the common convention was for the LESS famous comedian to drop the joke. Even if the minor comedian has dated video of doing the joke first, there's no way to defend it.
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+Real Time with Bill Maher Bill!!! The manners of your panelists are horrible!!! They speak over each other too much and it's very difficult to zero in on the subject matter of the topics. Can you please make them not talk over each other!!!
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Edward Bernayse666's profile photo
+Real Time with Bill Maher what do you think about the TPP deal?
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hpeverywhere's profile photomagulater1's profile photo
+Real Time with Bill Maher I'm going tweet this 1
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DaveCreator's profile photoLouis Tedone's profile photoShannon Jacobs's profile photoStan Smith's profile photo
+Real Time with Bill Maher Thanks a lot for your funny and educational videos. BTW I subscribed long time ago.
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