@5SOS està blocat

Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @5SOS per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Tuit fixat


  2. Impressive, but I bet I could do better

  3. this is exactly how I feel rn

  4. PSA: Turned capitals back on my phone. Make sure you tell your whole family

  5. Strawberry fields forever 🍓

  6. when you're best friends with literally the cutest dog on earth.

  7. Had an incredible time in Mexico with some of my favourite people, thank you hard rock :)

  8. counting down every single day to final fantasy XV

  9. There is nothing but hope for the future, you all know what's right and wrong, we are the future, we are the voice, don't panic.

  10. preparing myself for the election results like

  11. thank you so much to for having me and my wonderful friends for my birthday weekend. and also for f…

  12. To my American friends, I love your country. If I could vote, I would... Please invest in your future and VOTE

  13. this is me 95% of the time

  14. the new video is the best from all of them ♥ I'm so happy right now

  15. me watching the new video

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