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Research Funding

student at senior colloquium

Stanford offers two types of research funding for undergraduates:

  • Independent research funding (for projects initiated by the student)

  • Undergraduate research assistantships (for projects initiated by a faculty member)

Independent Research Funding from UAR:

Chappell-Lougee Scholarships:  For sophomores who propose in-depth research in the humanities, arts, or social sciences.  Grants can be up to $6400.  Applications are usually due in early December. More

Major Grants: Support projects that generally culminate in an honors thesis or other capstone paper.  Grants can be up to $6400.  Applications are usually due in late February or early March.   More

Small Grants:  Support smaller independent projects, including preliminary research or follow-up work on a larger project.  Grants can be up to $1500.  Applications due at the start of every month from October through May. More

Other Sources of Independent Research Funding:

Beagle II Award: Not actually a research grant, but rather an award to encourage learning through travel, much in the manner of Darwin and other explorers.  Offered by the department of Anthropology.  More

Braden Grant for the Study of Oral Narrative: Offered by the Stanford Storytelling Project to support undergraduates interested in the study of oral narrative. More

UAR's list of other resources to support student research: more

Undergraduate Research Assistantships:

Many faculty members have funding available to hire undergraduates as assistants on their research projects.  For information on Urban Studies faculty who may have research assistantships available for undergraduates, consult the program director or speak directly to a faculty member you wish to work for.

For information about research opportunities in other departments, click here.