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European Space Agency, ESA

Meet ESA, the space agency for Europe

46,650 views 1 year ago
You, together with your 500 million fellow citizens from ESA's 20 European member nations, are the collective owners of one of the world's leading space agencies.

The European Space Agency is an intergovernmental organisation, a cooperative coming together of its Member States in their national interest and common good.

This new video offers a quick introduction: Europe, meet ESA. Show less
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Rosetta Play

Rosetta is en route to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, where it will make the most detailed study of a comet ever attempted. It will follow the comet on its journey through the inner Solar System, measuring the increase in activity as the icy surface is warmed up by the Sun. The lander will focus on the composition and structure of the comet nucleus material. It will also drill more than 20cm into the subsurface to collect samples for inspection by the lander's onboard laboratory.
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