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Seminar Room S360

S360 is located in the seminar area on the 3rd floor of the South wing of the Clark Center, accessible by going through Peet's Coffee.  It is available for lectures, meetings, presentations, and seminars and can accommodate a maximum of 74 people with classroom-style seating (individual chairs with desktops).

Access to the seminar rooms through Peet's is available 7am-8pm, M-Th and 7am-6pm F. If the main exit doors (through Peet's Coffee) are locked, please exit through the side doors. Please contact the Clark Facilities office (4.3333) for further information regarding after-hours access to the seminar rooms.

The event organizer and the event sponsor are considered jointly responsible for the cleanliness of the room, and any food messes, spills, undue garbage, or major rearrangement of furniture will result in a housekeeping fee of at least $250.

Catering in the seminar rooms must be approved by the Clark Center room scheduler and must be arranged through NeXus Cafe (650 324-3447).

Room Number: 
Clark Center Seminar Area - 3rd Floor, South Wing, through Peet's Coffee
  • No classes can be hosted in this space.
  • No more than 74 people can attend events in S360.
  • No weekend events are allowed without a Clark Facilities chaperone.
  • Lengthy and high-attendance events may require on-site housekeeping for a minimum of $250 for 4 hours.
  • Your event is not final until you have received an email confirmation from Clark Reservations.
Room Policy: 

Only scientifically related meetings that serve the mission of Bio-X can be hosted in the Clark Center.

No posters, banners or materials of any kind may be affixed to walls, doors or railings. Posters may be displayed on the corkboard in the seminar room lobby area, or on easels.

For AV assistance, please submit a service request form to Stanford Event Services. Please note that if you choose not to have an Event Services technician at your event and you encounter technical problems, you will still need to contact Event Services, since Clark Center does not have in-house AV technicians.

Since we do not charge a rental fee for our rooms, we expect that meetings are open to all students and faculty and that there is no registration fee for attendance. If you decide to charge a registration fee we will need to review the reason behind the charge, and you will need express approval from Clark Reservations.

Catering in the seminar rooms must be approved by the Clark Center room scheduler and must be arranged through NeXus Cafe (650 324-3447).

All rooms must be left in their original configuration. Furniture may not be removed, or added to, the seminar rooms. A small table may be ordered through Event Services for food, brochures etc. after approval from the Clark Center facilities office.  Please note that if furniture is removed from a seminar room or rearranged a housekeeping fee will be charged.

The user is responsible for leaving the seminar room clean following the scheduled event. If additional clean-up or repair of damage is needed, you will be charged for these costs. Please provide an account number at the time of reservation as insurance for necessary clean-up or damages.

Weekend events are not permitted without a Facilities office chaperone for the duration of the event. Smoking is never permitted in the seminar rooms.

Please note: Stanford's resources exist to support the university's missions of creation, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge. The university's assets must be preserved for these purposes, not for the personal gain of individuals nor for outside parties' uses which do not further Stanford's academic objectives.

Verbal confirmation that a facility is available does not constitute final approval. Written confirmation is required and will be issued after all policy matters have been reviewed. If there is ever question or difficulty in accessing the facility, Security Dispatch may request to see your written confirmation. You must have a copy of the approved application available, especially for any after-hours events.

All non-Stanford organizations and individuals wishing to use the facilities must be sponsored by a member of the Stanford faculty, staff or a registered student representing an academic department or student organization. Requests for use by non-Stanford organizations or individuals must be signed by the sponsor, and an account number given in case of damage or clean-up.