The ChemTracker Consortium is a collaboration of colleges, universities and other not-for-profit organizations using the ChemTracker software. Its goals as a service are to provide member organizations access to the ChemTracker application and related services, ensure ongoing maintenance and development of the application, and encourage member organizations to share and discuss successful approaches to managing challenging chemical compliance and reporting issues. The consortium is dedicated to the exchange of information and best practices for using the software, and creative resolution of inventory management and related regulatory reporting issues. With combined experience and mutual support, the members strive to meet the increasing demands of tracking, reporting, and safely using hazardous materials. The historical development and philosophy of ChemTracker is described in detail in this article in Press, Chemical Health & Safety by L.M. Gibbs.

Information on this site is provided to assist Consortium members and others concerned with managing chemical inventory, especially in a higher education setting.

ChemTracker software was designed by Stanford University to solve its comprehensive chemical inventory management and reporting challenges. ChemTracker software enables Consortium members to:

  • Add and upload chemical inventory information
  • Link inventory data to safety and regulatory information
  • Access safety information and link to MSDSs for specific chemicals
  • Search for specific inventory information using values for fields that were included during inventory entry
  • Update, delete, and copy single or multiple inventory records
  • Manage demographic data such as chemical owners (Principal Investigators), users, and facility information
  • Produce room and inventory activity reports
  • Restore deleted inventory
  • Produce a wide variety of regulatory and safety reports, including:
    • Uniform Fire/Building Code (UFC/UBC)
    • HMIS (Hazardous Materials)/EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act) Reports (also known as CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act), SARA Title III (the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act), RTK (Right to Know) and 40 CFR 355 EPA Extremely Hazardous Substance reports
    • Mass Quantity Reports
    • Life Safety Box or room specific hazard reports

To learn more about the ChemTracker Consortium and ChemTracker’s software functionality, please request an information package.