William Wrigley Professor, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment and at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and Professor, by courtesy, of Economics
Research Activities: My research focuses on the environmental and equity dimensions of intensive food production systems, and the food security dimensions of low-input systems. I have been involved in a number of field-level research projects around the world and have published widely on issues related to climate impacts on agriculture, distributed irrigation systems for diversified cropping, nutrient use and loss in agriculture, biotechnology, aquaculture and livestock production, biofuels development, food price volatility, and food policy analysis.
Teaching Activities: I teach courses on the world food economy, food and security, aquaculture science and policy, human society and environmental change, and food-water-health linkages. These courses are offered to graduate and undergraduate students through the departments of Earth System Science, Economics, History, and International Relations.
Professional Activities: William Wrigley Professor of Earth Science (2015 - Present); Professor in Earth System Science (2009-present); Director, Stanford Center on Food Security and the Environment (2005-present); Associate Professor of Economics by courtesy (2000-present); William Wrigley Senior Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and the Woods Institute for the Environment (2007-2015); Trustee, The Nature Conservancy CA program (2012-present); Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Beijer Institute for Ecological Economics in Stockholm (2011-present), for the Aspen Global Change Institute (2011-present), and for the Aldo Leopold Leadership Program (2012-present); Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellow in Environmental Science and Public Policy (1999); Pew Fellow in Conservation and the Environment (1994). Associate Editor for the Journal on Food Security (2012-present). Editorial board member for Aquaculture-Environment Interactions (2009-present) and Global Food Security (2012-present).
Solar Market Gardens as a Tool for Rural Development, Stanford University (7/1/2010 - Present)
Rural Health & Development at the Food-Water Nexus, Stanford University (July 1, 2011 - Present)
Aquaculture in China and its Role in Global Markets and Resources, Stanford University (9/1/2012 - August 31, 2014)
Globalization, Trade, and the Environment: The case of Brazil, Stanford University
Lead Contaminated Topsoil and Food in Rural Bangladesh, Stanford University (July 1, 2013 - Present)
Climate Variability and Global Food Security, Stanford University (September 1, 2013 - Present)
The Importance of Marine Fisheries and Ecosystems for Food In China, Stanford University (September 1, 2013 - Present)
China's aquaculture and the world's wild fisheriesSCIENCECao, L., Naylor, R., Henriksson, P., Leadbitter, D., Metian, M., Troell, M., Zhang, W.2015; 347 (6218): 133-135
A Global Perspective on Food SystemsJournal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community DevelopmentNaylor, R. L.2015; 5 (2): 15-18
Does aquaculture add resilience to the global food system?PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICATroell, M., Naylor, R. L., Metian, M., Beveridge, M., Tyedmers, P. H., Folke, C., Arrow, K. J., Barrett, S., Crepin, A., Ehrlich, P. R., Gren, A., Kautsky, N., Levin, S. A., Nyborg, K., Osterblom, H., Polasky, S., Scheffer, M., Walker, B. H., Xepapadeas, T., de Zeeuw, A.2014; 111 (37): 13257-13263
COMMENTARY: Climate engineering reconsideredNATURE CLIMATE CHANGEBarrett, S., Lenton, T. M., Millner, A., Tavoni, A., Carpenter, S., Anderies, J. M., Chapin, F. S., Crepin, A., Daily, G., Ehrlich, P., Folke, C., Galaz, V., Hughes, T., Kautsky, N., Lambin, E. F., Naylor, R., Nyborg, K., Polasky, S., Scheffer, M., Wilen, J., Xepapadeas, A., de Zeeuw, A.2014; 4 (7): 527-529
The Evolving Sphere of Food Securityedited by Naylor, R. L.Oxford University Press.2014
Frontiers in Food Policy: Perspectives on sub-Saharan Africaedited by Falcon, W. P., Naylor, R. L.Center on Food Security and the Environment.2014
The new economic geography of land use change: Supply chain configurations and land use in the Brazilian AmazonLAND USE POLICYGarrett, R. D., Lambin, E. F., Naylor, R. L.2013; 34: 265-275
Land institutions and supply chain configurations as determinants of soybean planted area and yields in BrazilLAND USE POLICYGarrett, R. D., Lambin, E. F., Naylor, R. L.2013; 31: 385-396
Feed and fishmeal use in the production of tilapia and carps in ChinaAquacultureChiu, A., Li, L., Guo, S., Bai, J., Fedor, C., Naylor, R. L.2013; 414-415: 127-134
The case for distributed irrigation as a development priority in sub-Saharan AfricaProceedings of the National Academy of SciencesBurney, J. a., Naylo, R. L., Postel, S. L.2013; 110 (31): 12513-12517
Smallholder Irrigation as a Poverty Alleviation Tool in Sub-Saharan AfricaWORLD DEVELOPMENTBurney, J. A., Naylor, R. L.2012; 40 (1): 110-123
Searching for Solutions in Aquaculture: Charting a Sustainable CourseAnnual Review of Environment and Resources, 2012Klinger, D., Naylor, R. L.2012
Biofuels, rural development, and the changing nature of agricultural demandGlobal Food Policy and Food SecurityNaylor, R. L.Center on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University.2012
Numerical modeling of aquaculture dissolved waste transport in a coastal embaymentENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICSVenayagamoorthy, S. K., Ku, H., Fringer, O. B., Chiu, A., Naylor, R. L., Koseff, J. R.2011; 11 (4): 329-352
Sugar and ethanol production as a rural development strategy in Brazil: Evidence from the state of Sao PauloAGRICULTURAL SYSTEMSMartinelli, L. A., Garrett, R., Ferraz, S., Naylor, R.2011; 104 (5): 419-428
Expanding the boundaries of agricultural developmentFOOD SECURITYNaylor, R.2011; 3 (2): 233-251
Lessons LearnedSeeds of Sustainability: Lessons from the Birthplace of the Green Revolution in AgricultureMatson, P., Naylor, R., Ortiz-Monasterio, I.edited by Matson, P. A. Island Press.2011
The global costs of American ethanolThe American InterestNaylor, R. L., Falcon, W. P.2011; VII (2)
The Yaqui Valley’s agricultural transition to a more open economySeeds of Sustainability: Lessons from the Birthplace of the Green Revolution in Agriculture Naylor, R., Falcon, W.edited by Matson, P. A. Island Press.2011
Looking for win-wins in intensive agricultureSeeds of Sustainability: Lessons from the Birthplace of the Green Revolution in AgricultureMatson, P., Naylor, R., Ortiz-Monasterio, I.edited by Matson, P. A.Island Press.2011
Agriculture in Brazil: impacts, costs, and opportunities for a sustainable futureCURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYMartinelli, L. A., Naylor, R., Vitousek, P. M., Moutinho, P.2010; 2 (5-6): 431-438
Downscaling Indonesian precipitation using large-scale meteorological fieldsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGYVimont, D. J., Battisti, D. S., Naylor, R. L.2010; 30 (11): 1706-1722
Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planetTRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTIONChapin, F. S., Carpenter, S. R., Kofinas, G. P., Folke, C., Abel, N., Clark, W. C., Olsson, P., Smith, D. M., Walker, B., Young, O. R., Berkes, F., Biggs, R., Grove, J. M., Naylor, R. L., Pinkerton, E., Steffen, W., Swanson, F. J.2010; 25 (4): 241-249
Solar-powered drip irrigation enhances food security in the Sudano-SahelPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICABurney, J., Woltering, L., Burke, M., Naylor, R., Pasternak, D.2010; 107 (5): 1848-1853
Impacts of El Nino-Southern Oscillation events on China's rice productionJOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCESDeng Xiangzheng, X. Z., Huang Jikun, J. K., Qiao Fangbin, F. B., Naylor, R. L., Falcon, W. P., Burke, M., Rozelle, S., Battisti, D.2010; 20 (1): 3-16
People, Land Use, and Environment in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora MexicoPopulation, Land Use, Environment: Research DirectionsMatson, P., Luers, A., Seto, K., Naylor, R.edited by Entwisle, B., Stern, P. C.National Academies Press.2010
Impacts of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on the world rice marketProgram on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford UniversityHuang, J., Yang, J., Rozelle, S., Naylor, R., Falcon, W., Battisti, D.2010
Food security in an era of economic volatilityPopulation and Development ReviewNaylor, R., Falcon, W.2010; 36 (4)
Environmentally responsible aquaculture: California leads the wayLos Angeles Times (editorial)Naylor, R. L., Leonard, G. H.2010; February 15
Feeding aquaculture in an era of finite resources (vol 106, 15103, 2009)PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICANaylor, R. L., Hardy, R. W., Bureau, D. P., Chiu, A., Elliott, M., Farrell, A. P., Forster, I., Gatlin, D. M., Goldburg, R. J., Hua, K., Nichols, P. D.2009; 106 (42): 18040-18040
Feeding aquaculture in an era of finite resourcesPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICANaylor, R. L., Hardy, R. W., Bureau, D. P., Chiu, A., Elliott, M., Farrell, A. P., Forster, I., Gatlin, D. M., Goldburg, R. J., Hua, K., Nichols, P. D.2009; 106 (36): 15103-15110
El Nino-Southern Oscillation Impacts on Rice Production in Luzon, the PhilippinesJOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGYRoberts, M. G., Dawe, D., Falcon, W. P., Naylor, R. L.2009; 48 (8): 1718-1724
Agriculture. Nutrient imbalances in agricultural development.Science Vitousek, P. M., Naylor, R., Crews, T., David, M. B., Drinkwater, L. E., Holland, E., Johnes, P. J., KATZENBERGER, J., Martinelli, L. A., Matson, P. A., Nziguheba, G., Ojima, D., Palm, C. A., Robertson, G. P., Sanchez, P. A., Townsend, A. R., Zhang, F. S.2009; 324 (5934): 1519-1520
Historical Warnings of Future Food Insecurity with Unprecedented Seasonal HeatSCIENCEBattisti, D. S., Naylor, R. L.2009; 323 (5911): 240-244
Food security in an era of price volatility: decoding the devil in the detailsProgram on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford UniversityFalcon, W., Naylor, R., Wang, K.2009
Downscaling Indonesia precipitation using large-scale meteorological fieldsInternational Journal of ClimatologyVimont, D., Battisti, D., Naylor, R.2009; 30 (11): 1706–1722
Coping with climate risks in Indonesian rice agriculture: a policy perspectiveHandbook on Uncertainty and Environmental Decision MakingNaylor, R., Mastrandrea, M.edited by Filer, J. A., Haurie, A.Springer .2009
Managing food production systems for resilienceResilience-Based Management of Global EcosystemsNaylor, R.edited by Chapin et al Springer Verlag Press.2009
Increasing wildfire in Alaska's boreal forest: Pathways to potential solutions of a wicked problemBIOSCIENCEChapin, F. S., Trainor, S. F., Huntington, O., Lovecraft, A. L., Zavaleta, E., Natcher, D. C., McGuire, A. D., Nelson, J. L., Ray, L., Calef, M., Fresco, N., Huntington, H., Rupp, T. S., DeWilde, L., Naylor, R. L.2008; 58 (6): 531-540
Prioritizing climate change adaptation needs for food security in 2030SCIENCELobell, D. B., Burke, M. B., Tebaldi, C., Mastrandrea, M. D., Falcon, W. P., Naylor, R. L.2008; 319 (5863): 607-610
Is it Africa’s turn?Boston Review (commentary: The global food crisis exposes the fragility of sub-Saharan economic progressNaylor, R.2008; 33 (3)
When cars compete with people for foodSan Francisco Chronicle, Insight editorialNaylor, R. L., Falcon, W. P.2008; May 18
Our Daily Bread: A Review of the Current World Food CrisisBoston ReviewNaylor, R., Falcon, W.2008; September/October
International trade in meat: The tip of the pork chopAMBIOGalloway, J. N., Burke, M., Bradford, G. E., Naylor, R., Falcon, W., Chapagain, A. K., Gaskell, J. C., McCullough, E., Mooney, H. A., Oleson, K. L., Steinfeld, H., Wassenaar, T., Smil, V.2007; 36 (8): 622-629
The ripple effect: Biofuels, food security, and the environmentENVIRONMENTNaylor, R. L., Liska, A. J., Burke, M. B., Falcon, W. P., Gaskell, J. C., Rozelle, S. D., Cassman, K. G.2007; 49 (9): 30-43
Assessing risks of climate variability and climate change for Indonesian rice agriculturePROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICANaylor, R. L., Battisti, D. S., Vimont, D. J., Falcon, W. P., Burke, M. B.2007; 104 (19): 7752-7757
The conservation of global crop genetic resources in the face of climate changeSummary report from a Bellagio Conference, Food Security and the EnvironmentNaylor et al., R.2007
The role of policy in agricultural transitionAgriculture, Development and the Environment in the Yaqui Valley (Mexico)Naylor, R. N., Falcon , W. P.edited by Matson, P. A., Falcon, W. P.Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Stanford University.2007
Simulations of mixing and transport of dissolved waste discharged from an aquaculture penFifth International Symposium on Environmental HydraulicsVenayagamoorthy, S. K., Friinger, O. B., Koseff, J. R., Naylor, R. L.2007
Response of fishermen to aquaculture and the salmon crisisGlobalization: Effects on Fisheries ResourcesNaylor. R.,, R., Eagle, J., and , J., W. Smith, W.edited by Taylor, W. W., Schechter, M., Wolfson, L.Cambridge University Press.2007
Directional changes in ecological communities and social-ecological systems: A framework for prediction based on Alaskan examplesAMERICAN NATURALISTChapin, F. S., Robards, M. D., Huntington, H. P., Johnstone, J. E., Trainor, S. E., Kofinas, G. P., Ruess, R. W., Fresco, N., Natcher, D. C., Naylor, R. L.2006; 168 (6): S36-S49
Policy strategies to address sustainability of Alaskan boreal forests in response to a directionally changing climatePROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAChapin, F. S., Lovecraft, A. L., Zavaleta, E. S., Nelson, J., Robards, M. D., Kofinas, G. P., Trainor, S. F., Peterson, G. D., Huntington, H. P., Naylor, R. L.2006; 103 (45): 16637-16643
A case study of land reform and coastal land transformation in southern Sonora, MexicoLAND USE POLICYLuers, A. L., Naylor, R. L., Matson, P. A.2006; 23 (4): 436-447
Business strategies for conservation on private lands: Koa forestry as a case studyPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAGoldstein, J. H., Daily, G. C., Friday, J. B., Matson, P. A., Naylor, R. A.2006; 103 (26): 10140-10145
Stewardship principles for farming finfish in the seaCenter for Environmental Science and Policy SeriesNaylor, R. N., Leonard, G., Goldman, J., Joy, N., Evans, S., Goldburg, R., Heggelund, P., Johnson, P., Kelso, D., MacLeod, N., O’Shea, T., Sims, N., Burke, M., Chiu, A., Gerhart, A.Stanford University.2006
Environmental safeguards for open-ocean aquacultureNational Academy of Sciences Issues in Science and TechnologyNaylor, R.2006; Spring
Agriculture. Losing the links between livestock and land.Science Naylor, R., Steinfeld, H., Falcon, W., Galloway, J., Smil, V., Bradford, E., Alder, J., Mooney, H.2005; 310 (5754): 1621-1622
Unleashing the genius of the genome to feed the developing worldNaylor, R., Manning, R.AMER PHILOSOPHICAL SOC.2005: 515-528
Analysis of wheat yield and climatic trends in MexicoFIELD CROPS RESEARCHLobell, D. B., Ortiz-Monasterio, J. I., Asner, G. P., Matson, P. A., Naylor, R. L., Falcon, W. P.2005; 94 (2-3): 250-256
Future seascapes, fishing, and fish farmingFRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENTGoldburg, R., Naylor, R.2005; 3 (1): 21-28
Combining field surveys, remote sensing, and regression trees to understand yield variations in an irrigated wheat landscapeAGRONOMY JOURNALLobell, D. B., Ortiz-Monasterio, J. I., Asner, G. P., Naylor, R. L., Falcon, W. P.2005; 97 (1): 241-249
A tropical freshwater wetland: III. Direct use values and other goods and servicesWetlands Ecology and ManagementDrew, W. M., Ewel, K. C., Naylor, R. L., Sigrah, A.2005; 13 (6)
Fugitive salmon: Assessing risks from aquaculture escapesBioScienceNaylor, R., Hindar, K., Fleming, I., Goldburg, R., Williams, S., Volpe, J., Whoriskey, F., Eagle, J., Kelso, D., Mangel, M.2005; 55 (5)
Aquaculture and ocean resources: raising tigers of the seaAnnual Review of Environment and ResourcesNaylor, R., Burke, M.2005; 30
Biodiversity and the regulation of ecosystem servicesMillennium Assessment of the World’s EcosystemsDiaz, S., , S., Tilman, D.,, D., Naylor (among contributing authors), R. L.Island Press.2005
Rethinking food security for the twenty-first centuryAMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICSFalcon, W. P., Naylor, R. L.2005; 87 (5): 1113-1127
Using climate models to improve Indonesian food securityBULLETIN OF INDONESIAN ECONOMIC STUDIESFalcon, W. P., Naylor, R. L., Smith, W. L., Burke, M. B., McCullough, E. B.2004; 40 (3): 355-377
The role of genomics research in improvement of "orphan" cropsNelson, R. J., Naylor, R. L., Jahn, M. M.CROP SCIENCE SOC AMER.2004: 1901-1904
Salmon farms and hatcheriesENVIRONMENTNaylor, R. L., Eagle, J., Smith, W. L.2004; 46 (3): 45-45
Biotechnology in the developing world: a case for increased investments in orphan cropsNaylor, R. L., Falcon, W. P., Goodman, R. M., Jahn, M. M., Sengooba, T., Tefera, H., Nelson, R. J.ELSEVIER SCI LTD.2004: 15-44
Threats to Aquatic Environments: Is Aquaculture a Solution?The ATSE Crawford Fund ConferenceNaylor, R. A., Brown, (ed.), G.2004
Salmon aquaculture in the Pacific Northwest - A global industryENVIRONMENTNaylor, R. L., Eagle, J., Smith, W. L.2003; 45 (8): 18-?
Illustrating the coupled human-environment system for vulnerability analysis: Three case studiesPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICATurner, B. L., Matson, P. A., McCarthy, J. J., Corell, R. W., Christensen, L., Eckley, N., Hovelsrud-Broda, G. K., Kasperson, J. X., Kasperson, R. E., Luers, A., Martello, M. L., Mathiesen, S., Naylor, R., Polsky, C., Pulsipher, A., Schiller, A., Selin, H., Tyler, N.2003; 100 (14): 8080-8085
Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practicesNATURETilman, D., Cassman, K. G., Matson, P. A., Naylor, R., Polasky, S.2002; 418 (6898): 671-677
Migration, markets, and mangrove resource use on Kosrae, Federated States of MicronesiaAMBIONaylor, R. L., Bonine, K. M., Ewel, K. C., Waguk, E.2002; 31 (4): 340-350
Using El Nino - Southern oscillation climate data to improve food policy planning in IndonesiaBULLETIN OF INDONESIAN ECONOMIC STUDIESNaylor, R., Falcon, W., Wada, N., Rochberg, D.2002; 38 (1): 75-91
Policy implications of human-accelerated nitrogen cycling (Reprinted from Biogeochemistry, vol 52, pg 281-320, 2001)BIOGEOCHEMISTRYMosier, A. R., Bleken, M. A., Chaiwanakupt, P., Ellis, E. C., Freney, J. R., Howarth, R. B., Matson, P. A., Minami, K., Naylor, R., Weeks, K. N., Zhu, Z. L.2002; 57 (1): 477-516
Integrating New Genetic Technologies Into Orphan-Crop Improvement in the Least Developed Countries6th Annual Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies: New Avenues for Production, Consumption, and Technology TransferNaylor, R., Nelson, R., Falcon, W., Goodman, R., Jahn, M., Kalazich, J., Sengooba, T., Tefera, H.2002
Ecology - Aquaculture - A gateway for exotic speciesSCIENCENaylor, R. L., Williams, S. L., Strong, D. R.2001; 294 (5547): 1655-1656
Using El Nino/Southern oscillation climate data to predict rice production in IndonesiaCLIMATIC CHANGENaylor, R. L., Falcon, W. P., Rochberg, D., Wada, N.2001; 50 (3): 255-265
Policy implications of human-accelerated nitrogen cyclingBIOGEOCHEMISTRYMosier, A. R., Bleken, M. A., Chaiwanakupt, P., Ellis, E. C., Freney, J. R., Howarth, R. B., Matson, P. A., Minami, K., Naylor, R., Weeks, K. N., Zhu, Z. L.2001; 52 (3): 281-320
Aquaculture: A net loss?Conservation Biology in PracticeNaylor, R., Goldburg, R., Beveridge, M., Clay, J., Folke, C., Kautsky, N., Lubchenco, J., Mooney, H., Primavera, J., Troell, M.2001; 2
Marine aquaculture in the United States: Environmental Impacts and Policy OptionsGoldburg, R. J., Elliot, M., Naylor, R. L.Pew Ocean Commission, Arlington, Virginia.2001
Policy reforms and Mexican agriculture: views from the Yaqui ValleyCIMMYT Economics Working Paper, Mexico D.F.Naylor, R., Falcon, W., Puente-Gonzalez, A.2001
Effect of aquaculture on world fish suppliesNATURENaylor, R. L., Goldburg, R. J., Primavera, J. H., Kautsky, N., Beveridge, M. C., Clay, J., Folke, C., Lubchenco, J., Mooney, H., Troell, M.2000; 405 (6790): 1017-1024
Consequences of changing biodiversityNATUREChapin, F. S., Zavaleta, E. S., Eviner, V. T., Naylor, R. L., Vitousek, P. M., Reynolds, H. L., Hooper, D. U., Lavorel, S., Sala, O. E., Hobbie, S. E., Mack, M. C., Diaz, S.2000; 405 (6783): 234-242
Agriculture and global changeEarth Systems: Processes and IssuesNaylor, R.edited by Ernst, G.Cambridge University Press.2000
The economics of alien species invasionsInvasive Species in a Changing World,Naylor, R. L. , R. L.edited by Mooney, H., Hobbs, R.Island Press.2000
The maize transition in Asia: Unlocking the controversyFalcon, W. P., Naylor, R. L.OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC.1998: 960-968
Ecology - Nature's subsidies to shrimp and salmon farmingSCIENCENaylor, R. L., Goldburg, R. J., Mooney, H., Beveridge, M., Clay, J., Folke, C., Kautsky, N., Lubchenco, J., Primavera, J., Williams, M.1998; 282 (5390): 883-884
Integration of environmental, agronomic, and economic aspects of fertilizer managementSCIENCEMatson, P. A., Naylor, R., Ortiz-Monasterio, I.1998; 280 (5360): 112-115
Valuing Mangrove Resources in Kosrae, MicronesiaEnvironment and Development EconomicsNaylor, R. L., Drew, W. M.1998 ; 3.4
Variability and growth in grain yields, 1950-94: Does the record point to greater instability?POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEWNaylor, R., Falcon, W., Zavaleta, E.1997; 23 (1): 41-?
The Value of Natural Pest Control Services in AgricultureEcosystem ServicesNaylor, R., Ehrlich, P.edited by Daily, G.Island Press.1997
Herbicides in Asian Rice Production: Perspectives from Economics, Ecology, and the Agricultural SciencesHerbicides in Asian Rice: Transitions in Weed ManagementNaylor, R. L.edited by Naylor, R. L.International Rice Research Institute Publications, Los Banos, The Philippines.1997
Herbicide Strategies for Asian Rice SystemsHerbicides in Asian Rice: Transitions in Weed ManagementNaylor, R., Falcon, W., Kennedy, D.edited by Naylor, R. L.International Rice Research Institute Publications, Los Banos, The Philippines.1997
Invasions in agriculture: Assessing the cost of the golden apple snail in AsiaAMBIONaylor, R.1996; 25 (7): 443-448
Energy and resource constraints on intensive agricultural productionANNUAL REVIEW OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENTNaylor, R. L.1996; 21: 99-123
Is the locus of poverty changing?FOOD POLICYNaylor, R. L., Falcon, W. P.1995; 20 (6): 501-518
Food, Conservation, and Global Environmental Change: Is Compromise Possible?EOS TransactionsNaylor, R., Matson, P.1993; 74 (15)
Equity Effects of Alternative Rice PoliciesRice Policies in IndonesiaNaylor, R.edited by Pearson et al Cornell University Press.1991
The Rural Labor Market in IndonesiaRice Policies in IndonesiaNaylor, R.edited by Pearson et al Cornell University Press.1991
Recent Policy Influences on Rice ProductionRice Policies in IndonesiaPearson, S., Naylor, R., Falconed , W.edited by Pearson et al Cornell University Press.1991
Youth Unemployment and the Minimum WageAnnals of Regional ScienceNaylor (then Lee), R., Lillydahl, J., Singell, L.1981