Planet Money
The economy explained. Imagine you could call up a friend and say, Meet me at the bar and tell me what's going on with the economy. Now imagine that's actually a fun evening.
Airs on:
SUN 7pm-7:30pm
#846: Ungerrymandering Florida
When Florida outlawed partisan gerrymandering, politicians tried to sneak it back disguise.
#660: The T-Rex In My Backyard
Meet Sue, the dinosaur who sparked a gold rush for fossils buried in the badlands of North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.
#845: REDMAP
Meet the man who figured out how to reshape national politics by making tiny investments in the smallest of places.
#844: Nice Game
In game theory, sometimes the best way to win, is to lose.
#843: Swamp Gravy
Today on the show: A small town stakes its future on writing, directing, and starring in a musical.
#643: The Taxi King
Gene Freidman built a taxi empire. We visited him before he was in legal trouble.
#842: Showdown at the WTO
The World Trade Organization: Can't live with it, hard to crush your trade opponents without it.
#696: Class Action
Class actions run from big civil rights cases to arguments about pepper. Are they noble, or silly?