Medical School Admissions Doctor

Need a guide through the murky medical school admissions process? Medical School Admissions Doctor, previously written by Veritas Prep’s team of medical school admissions consultants, offers a roundup of expert and student voices in the field to guide prospective students in their pursuit of a medical education. Got a question? Email

How to Get the Best Medical School Recommendation Letters

Cassie Kosarek | June 5, 2018

Medical school applicants should seek unique, complementary letters of recommendation that capture them fully.

How Medical School Admissions Will Change in 2019

Kathleen Franco, M.D. | May 29, 2018

New guidelines from the Association of American Medical Colleges will affect how applicants choose schools.

How Premed Students Can Avoid 4 Common Academic Mistakes

Azadeh Salek, M.D. | May 22, 2018

Prospective medical school students can take steps to minimize poor academic performance in college.

Take 3 Steps Before Abandoning Premed Concentration

Cassie Kosarek | May 15, 2018

Prospective medical school students can get back on track even after early academic struggles in science classes.

Choose the Right Gap Year Experience for Medical School

Kathleen Franco, M.D. | April 24, 2018

Prospective medical students can use a gap year to observe physicians, take science classes and explore passions.

4 Ways an Ethics Course Can Prepare You for Medical School

Ali Lotfi, M.D. | April 17, 2018

A medical ethics course can help you advance your thinking in patient care and clinical research.

How Special Master's Programs Can Help You Get Into Medical School

Renee Marinelli, M.D. | April 10, 2018

These graduate degree programs are geared toward students looking to strengthen their application to medical school.

How to Improve MCAT Comprehension Skills

Cassie Kosarek | April 3, 2018

Reading comprehension is key to all sections of the MCAT.

How to Revise a Medical School Personal Statement Before Reapplying

Cassie Kosarek | March 27, 2018

When reapplying to medical school, be sure to make more than simple edits.

How to Submit a Unique Medical School Application

Ali Lotfi, M.D. | March 20, 2018

The way information is presented in a primary medical school application can make a big difference.

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