Videos Tagged Firdaus Dhabhar
Invited Lecture: Firdaus Dhabhar, Ph.D.
Compassion and Business 2013: Panel 1 of 4
Hayward TEDx Talk by Firdaus Dhabhar
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Events Tagged Firdaus Dhabhar
  • April 17, 2014 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm

Li Ka Shing Center For Learning (LKSC), Palo Alto, CA

In this lecture, Dr. Firdaus Dhabhar will discuss his research associated with compassion.  This event is an hour-long lecture followed by questions from the audience. Registration is required for access to seating before the event starts. The talk will be recorded and posted to CCARE’s YouTube Channel and website several weeks after the event. Firdaus Dhabhar is a neuro-immunologist (more…)

Blog Posts Tagged Firdaus Dhabhar

We generally think of stress as a big, bad, disease-causing, killer. Yet mother nature didn’t give us the stress response to kill us. She gave us the stress response to help us stay alive! For example, without this fight-or-flight response, a lion has no chance of catching its meal, and a gazelle has no chance of escape. All animals, including …

Firdaus Dhabhar

Firdaus Dhabhar, PhD

Written By CCARE Staff

Firdaus Dhabhar is Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. His transdisciplinary research program is supported by membership in the Immunology Institute, Neuroscience Institute, and Cancer Institute at the Stanford School of Medicine. He graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth College with a double major in Biology and Political Science, and received a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science …