Videos Tagged Health
Conversations on Compassion with Dean Ornish, MD
Invited Lecture: Kory Floyd, Ph.D.
Science of Compassion SRI 2013: Social, Clinical, Health, and Developmental Perspectives

Events Tagged Health

CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute

Written By 41glucosamine
  • July 20 - ;25, 2013 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Purpose The purpose of the CCARE Summer Research Institute, co-sponsored by the Telluride Institute, a five-day conference to be held in Summer 2013, is to advance research on compassion and altruism through collaboration, dialog, inquiry, education, and research. Drawing from several disciplines including neuroscience, psychology, genetics, economics, and contemplative traditions, the CCARE Summer Research Institute aims (more…)

Blog Posts Tagged Health

Call for Proposals: The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at the Stanford University School of Medicine seeks an applied science researcher to focus on conducting research related to compassion and healthcare. The ideal researcher will focus on patient care outcomes as they are impacted by the expression of compassion in the healthcare setting. Additional research related …


Hierarchy, CSR, Compassion and Health

Written By Dr. Daniel Martin

Every day we wake up and start making judgments. How does your preference for hierarchy impact those judgments? For example, public opinion polls find most people support equality but see income distribution as being unfair in society. At the same time they see our economic system to be highly fair and legitimate. Stereotypes seem to help justify inequality in social …


Hugging Yourself Reduces Physical Pain

Written By Dr. Kelly McGonigal

Cheaper than a massage, and fewer side effects than popping pills: A new study reports that crossing your arms can significantly relieve pain. Twenty brave participants (12 of them women) allowed scientists to inflict pain via pulses of radiant heat from an infrared laser. The laser was aimed at the sensitive radial nerve of the forearm. During some bursts of …