Join an Affiliate Program

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Last year more than 200 top companies reaped the benefits of membership in one of Stanford Engineering's many affiliates programs.

Affiliate programs in the School of Engineering have provided an avenue for industry to get involved with Stanford departments and faculty for 40 years. Membership in an affiliate program provides companies with facilitated access to research programs, faculty, and students involved in topics of interest ranging from the specific to the interdisciplinary.

Corporate members can benefit from attending annual meetings and research symposia, receiving topical reports and publications, and conducting individual meeting with researchers. In some instances member companies have opportunities to recruit students at targeted events. From nanotechnology to social networking and clean tech to photonics, our more than 30 affiliate programs cover a wide variety of industry areas.

Browse our list of affiliate programs to find the right one for your company.

For more information, contact:

Mauricio Valencia
Director of Corporate Relations

Jeff Gordon
Associate Director of Corporate Relations