Field Service

The Center for Innovation in Global Health offers a variety of field service opportunities in clinical medicine and global health education. 

Mary Duke Biddle Scholars Program

This program funds medical students for a period of six weeks to do a rotation at one of the program's sites in Uganda, Bangladesh, Ecuador and Nepal.

Yale/Stanford Johnson & Johnson Global Health Scholars Program

Providing residents with the opportunity to participate in field experiences abroad. 

SHC Independent Rotation

This program gives residents across departments the opportunity to work in a mentored site of the resident's choice.

Stanford-ABC News Fellowship in Global Health

This fellowship runs from July to the following June and is open to medical students (who have completed the first two years of medical school), residents and faculty. This fellow will learn how media plays a significant role in global health.

Novel Education Clinical Trainees and Researchers (NECTAR) Program in Zimbabwe

This partnership improves medical education and strengthens medical research and clinical training.