Education  ›  Fellowships  ›  Instructional Experience

Instructional Experience

Formal instruction in the scientific basis and clinical practice of rheumatology occurs in three weekly sessions: a core curriculum lecture series, Rheumatology grand rounds, and Journal Club. The core curriculum presents an organized series of lectures on the principles of rheumatology, including basic and clinical immunology, the investigation of patients with rheumatic complaints, pathophysiology, presentation, and prognoses of rheumatic diseases, treatments, and methods of investigation. These lectures are presented by the faculty, with occasional topics reviewed by fellows or guest speakers from other divisions or departments in the School of Medicine. A musculoskeletal radiology conference is held monthly.

Rheumatology Grand Rounds is designed for the presentation and discussion of interesting or complex cases from the outpatient clinics or in-patient consultation services. Whenever possible, patients with interesting clinical findings are invited to attend these conferences.

Journal Club provides a forum for the review of 2 papers per week from the current literature on topics of relevance to rheumatology or immunology. The goal of these sessions is not only to be made aware of important current research findings, but also to learn how to review critically the medical literature.

In addition to these formal sessions, instruction occurs in attending rounds, pre-clinic conferences, and in informal sessions throughout each week. Fellows are encouraged to attend, and often participate in, educational activities in the Department of Medicine, including Morning Report, Grand Rounds, and Morbidity and Mortality Conference.

Fellows are encouraged to attend the weekly Immunology Seminar, and to participate in a series of non-credit, non-degree courses in biostatistics and clinical research design organized by the School of Medicine specifically for post-doctoral fellows. Opportunities also exist for fellows to audit classes in clinical epidemiology, biostatistics, and immunology.

Available Focuses