School of Medicine
Showing 1-10 of 110 Results
David M. Axelrod, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics - Cardiology
Current Research and Scholarly Interests Virtual Reality Congenital Heart Disease experience: The Stanford Virtual Heart. Currently engaged with 19 academic medical centers across the globe using our Stanford Virtual Heart to educate students and trainees, and research our VR experience as a means for training and education. Also developing next generation modeling and image interaction with Stanford engineers and educators, to promote personalized surgical training in VR and advanced educational programs in congenital heart disease.
Daniel Bernstein
Alfred Woodley Salter and Mabel Smith Salter Endowed Professor in Pediatrics
Current Research and Scholarly Interests 1. Role of the G protein coupled receptors in regulating mitochondrial structure and function.
2. Differences between R and L ventricular responses to stress, including gene expression and miR regulation.
3. Using iPSC-derived myocytes to understand heart failure and congenital heart disease.
4. Tools for evaluation of cardiac physiology in transgenic mice and isolated cardiomyocytes.
5. Anti-body mediated rejection.
6. Biomarkers for post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.