Research Management Group (RMG)

Distinguished Achievement Awards and Other Prizes
and Honorary Societies

This webpage contains highlights of distinguished achievement awards and honorary societies. Please note that deadlines and criteria are subject to change.

Institutional representatives: not applicable because these are distinguished achievement awards and not sponsored projects. Nominations can be submitted directly to each program.

Chronological List

Nominations accepted on a rolling basis
Ted Prize


The Clinical Research Forum-Clinical Research Achievement Awards
Columbia University: The Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize for Biology or Biochemistry
Ross Heart Hospital-OSU: Schottenstein Cardiovascular Sciences Prize
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Baranicik Prize for Innovation in MS Research


University of Michigan Taubman Prize for Excellence in Translational Medical Science
Welch Award in Chemistry
International Society for Eye Research (ISER) Prizes
Lasker Foundation Lasker Awards
The Royal Dublin Society RDS Irish Times Boyle Medal for Scientific Excellence (Irish born)
The David E. Rumelhart Prize Robert J. Glushko and Pamela Samuelson Foundation (human cognition)
BBVA Foundation, in collaboration with the Spanish Council for Scientific Research Frontiers of Knowledge Award

Dreyfus Prize in Chemical Sciences (next deadline in 2017)
American Philosophical Society: Judson Daland Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Investigation (next deadline: 2019)
Mc Gill University: Louis and Artur Lucian Award for Research in Circulatory Diseases
Balzan Prizes
The Prince of Asturias Awards (for multiple categories including Technical and Scientific Research)  
The Keio Medical Science Prize
Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS) Kuwait Prize
The Alton Ochsner Award Relating Smoking and Disease

Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research (deadline extended to April 1)
National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Prizes
AACR Outstanding Investigator Award, funded by Susan G. Komen
NSF National Medal of Science Award
Brandeis University International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize
National Medal of Technology and Innovation
World of Children Awards
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: The International Prize for Biology
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Paul Marks Prize in Cancer Research (2016 TBA) 
Reid Elsevier Environmental Challenge Prize (2016 TBA)
Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE)-Energy Security Prize (2016 TBA)
The Franklin Institute-Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science

The State of Israel: Eric and Sheila Samson Prime Minister's Prize for Innovation in Alternative Fuels for Transportation
International Cosmos Prize
The New York Academy of Medicine Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize 
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases Maxwelll Finland for Scientific Achievement and The Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Award for Humanitarian Contributions to the Health of Human Kind 
University of Pittsburgh Thomas E. Starlz Prize in Surgery and Immunology (not offered in 2015 & 2016)
Robarts Research Institute: J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine
Associaton of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Awards -Various award mechanisms
The Institute of Medicine Gustav O. Lienhard Award and Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation Outstanding Achievement  Awards
James F. and Sarah T. Fries Foundation-- The Fries Prize and the Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award

The Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences Foundation-$3M (life science, fundamental physics, mathematics)

Society for Neuroscence Research (various prizes)
The Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Biophysics
The Vilcek Foundation The Vileck Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science


Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences
Technology Academy Finland Millennium Technology Award

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Team Science Award and other AACR awards
Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine
Wolf Prize in Agriculture, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medicine and Physics

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) various awards
USC/John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement
Tang Prizes (various topics)
Limited prize- The Ho-Am Foundation 2015 Ho-Am Prize (Internal deadline Sept. TBA)
National Board of Medical Examiners John P. Hubbard Award

March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology
National Science Board Public Service Award and Vannevar Bush Award
Gairdner Foundation International Award
The Gairdner Foundation Canada Gairdner Global Health Award
Lemelson-MIT Student Prizes
Unniversity of Pittsburgh Dickson Prize in Medicine
NSF Allen T. Waterman Award
American Academy of Neurology Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick's, Alzheimer's and Related Diseases
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) (various awards)
BIALFoundation-BIAL Award
Indiana University School of Medicine Steven C. Beering Award (by invitation)

Warren Alpert Foundation/Harvard Medical School--Warren Alpert Foundation Prize
Lemelson-MIT Prize
Baylor University/The Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching
The Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Physical Sciences (alternates between Chemistry and Physics)
Dan David Foundation and Tel Aviv University: Dan David Prizes-Past, Present and Future (topics vary)
The Shaw Prize (invitation sent to nominators)

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letter: $1M The Kavli Prizes (Astrophysics, Neuroscience, Nanoscience) 
Gruber Foundation: The Cosmology Prize, Genetics Prize, The Neuroscience Prize

World Cultural Council: Albert Einstein World of Science Award andThe Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts
Lighthouse Guild: Bressler and Pisart Vision Awards

Alphabetical list of Distinguished Awards



Abraham Flexner Award-extraordinary contributions to the medical education community ($10,000)
The Award for Distinguished Research in the Biomedical Sciences honors outstanding biomedical research related to health and disease ($5,000)
David E. Rogers Award-The award recognizes a medical school faculty member who has made major contributions to improving the health and health care of the American people ($10,000)
Herbert W. Nickens Award- This award is given to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to promoting justice in medical education and the health care of the American people. ($10,000)
Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award honors a medical school faculty physician (M.D. or DO degree) who exemplifies the qualities of a caring and compassionate mentor in the teaching and advising of medical students. ($10,000)
Deadline: May
AAMC Awards

Albany Medical Center

Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research   For a scientist, or group, whose work has lead to significant advances in the fields of research with demonstrated translational benefits applied to improved patient care.  
Amount of award:  $500,000
Deadline: 2016 deadline extended to April 1)

American Academy of Neurology
Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick's, Alzheimer's, and Related Diseases

This award recognizes major contributions to the understanding of the causes, prevention, treatment, and cure for Pick's, Alzheimer's, and related diseases. Must be in one of the following biological disciplines: neurology, neuropathology, biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics, chemistry, pharmacology, immunology, physiology or cell biology.
Amount of award: $100,000
Deadline:   Oct.


American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
There are various AACR awards (not grants) and deadlines: Overview >>

American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
Outstanding Investigator in Breast Cancer Research (funded by the Susan G. Komen Foundation)

This prize recognizes an investigator of no more than 50 years of age whose novel and significant work has had or may have far-reaching impact on the etiology, detection, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of breast cancer.
Amount of award: $10,000
Deadline: April

American Philosophical Society
Judson Daland Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Investigation
This prize ecognizes outstanding achievement in patient-oriented research.
Amount of award: $50,000.
Deadline: March*
*The next deadline will be in 2019.
More >>

Balzan International Prizes
International Balzan Prize Foundation (Spain)

Topics vary each year.
Amount of award: 1 million Swiss francs= US
Deadline:  March
(Note: the university receives an invitation and nomination instructions)
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Baylor University
The Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching

The recipient will teach in residence at Baylor University for one semester during the 2015 fall or 2016 spring semester, (travel expenses and furnished apartment provided).This award program is designed to honor great teachers, to stimulate discussion in the academy about the value of teaching, and to encourage departments and institutions to value their own great teachers.
Amount of Award: $250,000 and $25,000 to their home department
Deadline:  Nov.


BBVA Foundation, in collaboration with the Spanish Council for Scientific Research

Frontiers of Knowledge
These awards seek to recognize and encourage world-class research and artistic creation, prizing contributions of lasting impact for their originality, theoretical significance and ability to push back the frontiers of the known world. The Frontiers Awards honor fundamental disciplinary or supradisciplinary advances in a series of basic, natural, social and technological sciences, as listed below.
These international awards span eight categories: Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics); Biomedicine; Ecology and Conservation Biology; Information and Communication Technologies, Economics, Finance and Management; Contemporary Music; Climate Change; Development Cooperation
An institution may nominate an unlimited number of candidates, but no candidate may be nominated for more than one award category. Self-nominations are not allowed.
Amount of award: 400,000 Euros
Deadline: February

BIAL Foundation
BIAL Award

The BIAL Award has been rewarding relevant health professionals from different countries, fostering the basic and the clinical research in the area of health. Taking place every two years it is one of the most prestigious awards of scientific research in the area of health in Europe.
The BIAL Award establishes two prizes written specifically for this purpose: the “BIAL Merit Award in Medical Sciences”- designed to distinguish an intellectual written work, on any freely chosen medical topic, of high quality and scientific relevance; and the “BIAL Award in Clinical Medicine”- designed to distinguish an intellectual written work, on any freely chosen medical topic, of high quality and relevance, on clinical practice.
Cash value of the awards:
BIAL Merit Award for Medical Sciences - EUR 200,000
BIAL Award for Clinical Medicine- EUR 100,000
Distinctions (up to a maximum of four) - EUR 10,000/each
Deadline: Oct.
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Brain and Behavior Research Foundation

The Lieber Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Schizophrenia Research
$50K prize for an outstanding scientist carrying out research pertaining to the causes, pathophysiology, treatment or prevention of Schizophrenia
Goldman-Rakic Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Cognitive Neuroscience
$40K prize for an outstanding achievement in neurobiology research at the cellular, physiological and behavioral levels that leads to a better understanding of cognitive neuroscience or psychiatric disease.
Colvin Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Mood Disorders
$50K prize for or an outstanding scientist carrying out work on the causes, pathophysiology, treatment or prevention of bipolar disorder
Ruane Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research
$50K prize for an outstanding scientist carrying out research pertaining to the causes, pathophysiology, treatment or prevention of severe child mental illness.
Deadline: May


Brandeis University
International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life

Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize
Amount of award: $25,000
To recognize outstanding and lasting scholarly contributions to racial, ethnic, and/or religious relations anywhere in the world.
Deadline:   April
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The Breakthrough Prize Foundation

The Breakthrough Prizes were founded by Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki, Jack Ma and Cathy Zhang, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, and Yuri and Julia Milner. Selection Committees composed of previous Breakthrough Prize laureates choose the winners.
While self-nominations are prohibited, anyone may make a nomination for another person.
Deadline: May 31, 2016

The Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics will recognize an individual(s) who have made profound contributions to human knowledge. It is open to all physicists – theoretical, mathematical and experimental – working on the deepest mysteries of the Universe. The prize can be shared among any number of scientists.
The New Horizons in Physics Prize is designated for junior researchers who have already produced important work in their fields.
Amount of the prizes:
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics: $3 Million (1 to be awarded)
New Horizons in Physics Prize: $100,000 (up to 3 to be awarded)

The Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences are awarded to individuals who have made transformative advances in understanding living systems and extending human life.
One prize in this category is specifically designated for work contributing to the understanding of Parkinson’s and neurodegenerative disorders.
Amount of the prizes:
Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences – $3 million each  (up to 5 to be awarded)

The Breakthrough Prizes in Mathematics will be awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of mathematics.
The New Horizons in Mathematics Prize will be presented to early career mathematicians who have already produced import work in their fields.
Amount of the prizes:
Breakthough Prize in Mathematics $3M (1 to be awarded)
New Horizons in Mathematics Prize $100,000 (up to 3 awards to be made)


The Clinical Research Forum
Top 10 Clinical Research Achievement Awards

The Clinical Research Forum conducts a national competition to determine ten outstanding Clinical Research Accomplishments in the United States annually. These major research advances represent a portion of the annual return on the nation’s investment in the health and future welfare of its citizens.This national competition seeks to identify major advances resulting from the nation’s investment in research to benefit the health and welfare of its citizens. We invite you to nominate outstanding research projects that represent innovation, creativity and scientific advancement; contribute to the understanding of human disease and/or human physiology; and/or demonstrate impact on the prevention, diagnosis and/or treatment or increased understanding of the disease state.
Deadline: January
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Columbia University
The Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize for Biology or Biochemistry
The Award honors a scientific investigator, or group of investigators, whose contributions to knowledge in either of biology or biochemistry are deemed worthy of special recognition.
Amount of award: Honorarium and citation.
Deadline: January
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Dan David Prizes-Past, Present and Future
(topics vary)
an David Foundation and Tel Aviv University
$1M prize (each area). 10% of the laureate's proceeds are donated to graduate students in their prospective fields.
The individual or institution being nominated has made and continues to make a unique, profound contribution to humanity, on a global scale, in one of the selected fields for the year in which the nomination is being made. Nominees for the Dan David Prize may be individuals or organizations. Specific and unique projects may be included if the head of the project is a nominee.
The Past refers to fields that expand knowledge of former times: 2016 topic: Social History-New Directions: to be awarded to an outstanding individual or organization whose ongoing, groundbreaking research is making a significant contribution to the field of Social History.
The Present recognizes achievements that shape and enrich society today:
2016 topic: Combatting Poverty- will be awarded to an outstanding individual or organization whose achievements are making a significant impact in the fight to eradicate poverty.
The Future focuses on breakthroughs that hold great promise for improvement of our world: 2016 topic: Nanoscience: to an outstanding individual or organization who has significantly contributed to the development of the field of Nanoscience and its multifaceted applications in medicine, material sciences and technologies.
Deadline: Nov.

Introduction website
Nomination guidelines


David E. Rumelhart Prize
David E. Rumelhart Prize is awarded annually to an individual or collaborative team making a significant contemporary contribution to the theoretical foundations of human cognition. Contributions may be formal in nature: mathematical modeling of human cognitive processes, formal analysis of language and other products of human cognitive activity, and computational analyses of human cognition using symbolic or non-symbolic frameworks all fall within the scope of the award.
Amount of award: $100,000
Deadline: Feb.
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Dreyfus Prize in Chemical Sciences
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

The prize is awarded to an individual in a selected area of chemistry to recognize exceptional and original research that has advanced the field in a major way. The prize is open to international nominations of individuals. There is no restriction on the number of nominees from a given institution, nor is institutional approval required.
Present Dreyfus Foundation Directors, Advisors, consultants, previous Dreyfus Prize winners, and Nobel Laureates are not eligible.
Amount of the award: $250,000
Deadline: March*
*the next deadline will be in 2017
More >>

The Franklin Institute
Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science
Theme: varies each year
2016 topic: individuals who have made significant contributions to the search for extrasolar planets. Such contributions may include goal-oriented analysis of the search options, the design of telescopes and spectrographs, data analysis, and integrative scientific leadership.
Award amount: $250,000
Notice of intent to nominate (required) deadline:   April
Complete nomination: May
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Gairdner Foundation
International Prizes

Amount of each award: $100,000 (CDN)
Deadline: Oct.

The Canada Gairdner International Award
The award recognizes outstanding biomedical scientists who have made original contributions to medicine with the goal of contributing through research to increased understanding of human biology and disease.

The Canada Gairdner Global Health Award
Award to an individual who has made major scientific advances in any one the four areas of basic science, clinical science, or population or environmental health that have or have the potential to make a significant impact on health outcomes in the developing world

The Canada Gairdner Wightman Award
This award is given to a Canadian who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in medicine and medical science consistent with the purpose of the foundation.



Gruber Foundation

The Genetics Prize
A $500,000 cash prize is awarded for fundamental insights in the field of genetics. These may include original discoveries in genomic organization, function, regulation, variation, and transmission.
Nominations may be submitted by individuals, organizations, and institutions that are active in or have an appreciation for contemporary genetic research or problems.
Deadline: Dec.

The Neuroscience Prize

A $500,000 cash prize is awarded to a leading scientist, or group of scientists, for distinguished work in the field of the brain, nervous system and the spinal cord.
Nominations for the Neuroscience Prize are invited annually and may be submitted by individuals, organizations, and institutions that are active in or have an appreciation for contemporary neuroscience research and study.
Deadline: Dec.

The Cosmology Prize

A $500,000 prize is awarded to individuals whose achievements have produced fundamental, advances in our understanding of the structure and evolution of the universe.
Nominations for the Cosmology Prize are invited annually from the fields of astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, and the philosophy of science. Individuals, organizations, and institutions that are active in or have an appreciation for contemporary cosmological research and study may submit nominations.
Deadline: Dec.




The Harrington Discovery Institute
University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine

This prize, presented by the American Society of Clinical Investigation and the Harrington Discovery Institute, is for physician-scientists who have moved science forward with achievements for innovation, creativity, and potential for clinical application.
No age or citizenship requirement
Amount of award: $20,000
Deadline:  August
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The Ho-Am Foundation
Ho-Am Prize

KRW 300 million (approx. $275K)
Limited: only one nomination for each category (science, engineering, medicine, the arts, community service) is permitted from Stanford, therefore, a university-wide internal selection process is required.**
The Prize in each category consists of a certificate, a gold medal (187.5g) and KRW 300 mil. Korean (approximately $275,000 USD). In principle, prizes are awarded to one individual. However, more than two people may share the same prize if their accomplishments are deemed to be equal in merit.
Eligibility: - Koreans and ethnic Koreans (except in Community Service in which foreigners who contribute to the welfare of ethnic Koreans at home and abroad may be nominated)
- Accomplishments and accumulated expertise which have contributed to society in their respective fields,
and accumulated expertise that has been highly evaluated socially
- Distinguished contributions to the nation and humanity through clearly creative mentality and spirit of service
Internal Dean of Research Office deadline: Sept.
Internal submission guidelines >>


Indiana University School of Medicine
Steven C. Beering Award honors an internationally recognized individual for outstanding contributions to the advancement of biomedical or clinical science.
Amount of award: $25,000
Deadline: Oct.*
* by letter of invitation to Dr. Minor
More >>



The Institute of Medicine

Gustav O. Lienhard Award
for outstanding achievement in improving health care services in the United States.
Amount of award:   $40,000
Deadline:  May (nominations to open in the spring)
More >>

The Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Award in Mental Health recognizes individuals, groups, or organizations for outstanding achievement in improving mental health
Amount of award: $20,000
Deadline:  May (nominations to open in the spring)
More >>



International Cosmos Prize (Japan)
The prize will be awarded for research work that has achieved excellence and is recognized as contributing to a significant understanding of the relationships among living organisms, the interdependence of life and the global environment, and the common nature integrating these inter-relationships. It should be characterized by a global perspective which tries to illuminate the relationships between diverse phenomena, in keeping with the concepts and principle of "The Harmonious Coexistence of Nature and Mankind."
Amount of award: 40 million yen
Deadline:   May
More >>

International Society for Eye Research (ISER)
Four ISER prizes:
Endre A. Balazs Prize (experimental eye research)
Ernst H. Bárány Prize (ocular pharmacology)
The Ludwig von Sallmann Prize (significant contribution to vision research and ophthalmology
The Retina Research Foundation's Paul Kayser International Award in Retina Research ($50K)
Deadline for each prize: Feb. (in even years)

James F. and Sarah T. Fries Foundation

Fries Prize for Improving Health

This prize is for major accomplishments in health improvement, unrestricted as to field, with emphasis upon recent contributions to health in the United States, and with the general criteria of the greatest good for the greatest number. It is intended for that individual who has done the most to improve health, as judged by an expert and prestigious Selection Jury. It is awarded for achievement, rather than potential. The Prize could be awarded to an educator, a scientist, a program inventor, an activist, an public figure, a private citizen, or any other person who has made a significant contribution to improvement of the public health.
Amount of award: $60,000
Deadline:   May

Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award
Amount of award: $25,000
Deadline: May
The Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award is for a health educator who has made a substantial contribution to advancing the field of health education or health promotion through research, program development, or program delivery. 


Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
International Prize for Biology

This prize is award to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of research in fundamental biology. The speciality within the field of biology chosen each year.
2016 topic: Biology of Biodiversity
Amount of award: 10 Million Yen
Deadline: April

The Keio University Medical Science Fund
Keio Medical Science Prize
The Keiio Medical Science Prize gives recognition to the outstanding and creative achievements of researchers in the field of medical and life sciences, in particular those contributing to scientific developments in medicine. It aims to promote worldwide advances in life sciences and medicine, to encourage the expansion of researcher networks throughout the world, and to contribute to the well-being of humankind.
Field: basic medicine, clinical medicine, or life sciences closely related to medicine
Eligibility: each nominee must be currently active in their field of research and be expected to make future contributions to the field. This prize is an international award.
Amount of award:  the prize will be awarded to two laureates. Each laureate will receive a monetary award of 10 million yen  (conversion approx.= $89,352 US)
Deadline:  March
Online nomination form:


Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS)
Kuwait Prize 2016

This prize is for Kuwaiti and Arab Scientists and researchers. The applicant must be from an Arab nationality and have proof of an Arab origin, either a birth certificate or valid passport from an Arab country. The work submitted should be innovative, significant in the announced field, and published during the last 20 years. Self nominations are accepted.
2016 topics are:
basic sciences: Physics
Applied sciences: Food and Agriculture
Economics and Social Sciences: Banking and Finance
Arts and Literature: Studies in Fine and Performing Arts and Music
Amount of award: K.D. 40,000 (Forty thousand Kuwaiti Dinars) or approximately $130,000 USD
Deadline: March

Lasker Foundation
The Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award honors scientists whose fundamental investigations have provided techniques, information, or concepts contributing to the elimination of major causes of disability and death.
The Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors investigators whose contributions have improved the clinical treatment of patients.
The Lasker-Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science honors scientists whose contributions to research are of unique magnitude and have immeasurable influence on the course of science, health, or medicine, and whose professional careers have engendered within the biomedical community the deepest feelings of awe and respect.
(The Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award honors men and women who have helped make possible the federal legislation and funding that supports research, and who have created public communication, public health, and advocacy programs of major importance and will be offered in 2017)
Deadline:  Feb.


Lemelson-MIT Program

Lemelson-MIT Prize
This prize is awarded to outstanding mid-career inventors, who have developed a patented product or process of significant value to society, whic has been adopted for practical use, or has a high probability of being adapted. See the guidelines for eligibility.
Amount of award: $500,000
Deadline: Nov.


Lemelson-MIT Student Prizes
The Lemelson-MIT Student Prize honors promising collegiate inventors around the country.
The student prize is open to teams of undergraduate students and individual graduate students who have inventions in categories that represent significant sectors of the economy.
The “Cure It” Prize
“Cure it!” rewards students working on technology-based inventions that can improve healthcare.
The "Drive It" Prize
"Drive it!" rewards students working on technology-based inventions that can improve transportation.
The "Eat It" Prize
"Eat it!" rewards students working on technology-based inventions that can improve food and agriculture.
The “Use it” Prize

“Use it!”rewards students working on technology-based inventions that can improve consumer devices.
Eligibility: Be a full-time, matriculated, degree-seeking student in the Spring semester of 2016 at a U.S. college or university. Postdocs, audit students, and alumni are not eligible.
Undergraduate Team Prize: Be an undergraduate student-founded and led team from the same U.S. university comprised of two or more students with the majority of team members being undergraduate students. Individual undergraduate students cannot apply without a team. The student completing the application should be one of the undergraduate co-founders/leaders. Undergraduate teams apply to one prize category with a tested prototype of their single invention.
Individual Graduate Prize: Individual graduate students must have tested prototypes of at least two inventions to be eligible for the competition. Graduate students choose a primary invention from their portfolio and apply to the prize category that best matches the field/industry of their primary invention. Their second and additional (more than two, if applicable) inventions do not need to be in the same field as the primary invention. There is no Graduate Team prize.
Amount of award:
$10K- winning undergraduate team in each of the prize categories
$15K to the winning graduate student in each of the prize categories
Initial application deadline (required): Oct.
Category deadline (by invitation only): Nov.
Finalists submit videos-(by invitation only)- deadline: January

Lighthouse Guild

The Bressler Prize in Vision Science

Open to established mid-career vision clinicians or scientists whose leadership, research and service have led to important advancements in the understanding of vision loss, treatment of eye disease or the rehabilitation of people with vision loss. Nominees should be clinically and/or scientifically accomplished, yet under recognized in his/her respective fields.
Open to candidates from the United States and all countries.
Amount of award: $50,000
Deadline: Dec.
More >>

Pisart Award in Vision Science

Open to early-career vision clinicians or scientists, generally fewer than ten years following completion of last degree or training, whose noteworthy, innovative and scholarly contributions have the potential for substantial influence in the understanding of vision loss, treatment of eye disease or the rehabilitation of people with vision loss.
Open to candidates from the United States and all countries.
Amount of award: $30,000
Deadline: Dec.
More >>


March of Dimes
Prize in Developmental Biology
Amount of award:  $250,000
Awarded to investigators whose research has profoundly advanced the science that underlies our understanding of birth defects
Deadline: Oct.
Prize webpage >>

McGill University (Montreal)

Louis and Artur Lucian Award
The Award is designed to honour outstanding research in the field of circulatory diseases by a scientific investigator or group of investigators whose contribution to knowledge in this field is deemed worthy of special recognition.
Amount of award:  $60,000 (Canadian)
Deadline: March
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Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research 
The Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research recognizes a new generation of leaders in cancer research, who are making significant contributions to the understanding of cancer or are improving the treatment of the disease through basic or clinical research. The prize is intended to encourage young investigators who have a unique opportunity to help shape the future of cancer research.The prize is now awarded to up to three investigators every other year. Nominees are required to be age 45 or younger on the date of the submission deadline.
Amount of award:   $150,000 (awarded to up to 3 investigators)
Deadline:  April (2016 TBA)
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National Academy of Engineering (NAE)

Download the 2016-2017 Awards guide from the NAE online nomination webpage >>

Charles Stark Draper Prize
The Draper Prize is awarded for a specific achievement or for a series of achievements in any engineering discipline, and may be awarded to an individual or a group of individuals contributing to the same achievement. Consideration will be given to achievements in all engineering disciplines.
Amount of award: $500,000
Deadline:  April*
*The next deadline for this prize is in 2017.

Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize
This prize recognizes achievements in bioengineering in its initial years. Examples include research, education, or product development in such areas as biomedical instrumentation, separation, and control systems; aerospace biomedical engineering; diagnostic technologies; applied genetic engineering; pharmaceutical processing; prosthetic technologies; bimolecular engineering; medical engineering and applied physiological systems
Amount of award: $500,000
Deadline: April

Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education
The purpose of the Gordon Prize is to recognize new modalities and experiments in education that develop effective engineering leaders. The focus is on innovations such as curricular design, teaching methods, and technology-enabled learning that strengthen students' capabilities and desire to grow into leadership roles
Amount of award: $500,000 (half granted to recipient and the other half to the institution)
Deadline: April


National Board of Medical Examiners
John P. Hubbard Award

This award recognizews individuals who have made a significant and sustained contribution to the assessment of professional and competency and educational program development of any level along the continuum of medical education and delivery of healthcare.
Deadline: Sept.
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National Medal of Technology and Innovation

This prize recognizes those who have made lasting contributions to America's competitiveness, standard of living, and quality of life through technological innovation, and to recognize those who have made substantial contributions to strengthening the Nation's technological workforce.
The Medal is awarded annually to individuals, teams (up to four individuals), companies or divisions of companies for their outstanding contributions to the Nation's economic, environmental and social well-being through the development and commercialization of technological products, processes and concepts; technological innovation; and development of the Nation's technological manpower.
Deadline: April
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National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

The Maxwell Finland Award for Scientific Achievement, developed in 1988, now recognizes scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding of infectious diseases or public health.Some of the criteria on which selection is based include:* Excellence in clinical and/or research activities* Participation in the training of future leaders in the field* Positive impact on the health of humankind.
Deadline:  May

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
The Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Award for Humanitarian Contributions to the Health of Human Kind
. Criteria are based on legislative or administrative contributions, humanitarian service; and or public education activities.
Deadline: May


National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Baranicik Prize for Innovation in MS Research

This prize recognizes an exceptional scientist or a team of scientists whose work in MS research has demonstrated outstanding innovation and originality. The award is intended for early to mid-career MS researchers. Nominees should have no more than 20 years of experience as an independent investigator or team leader to be eligible.
Nomination deadline: Jan.

National Science Board (NSB)

Public Service Award
The National Science Board Public Service Award honors individuals who and groups that have made substantial contributions to increasing public understanding of science and engineering in the United States. These contributions may be in a wide variety of areas that have the potential of contributing to public understanding of and appreciation for science and engineering – including mass media, education and/or training programs, entertainment, etc.
Deadline: Oct.

Vannevar Bush Award
The Vannevar Bush Award honors truly exceptional lifelong leaders in science and technology who have made substantial contributions to the welfare of the Nation through public service activities in science, technology, and public policy.
Deadline: Oct.




National Science Foundation

The National Medal of Science Award

The National Medal of Science was established by the 86th Congress in 1959 as a Presidential Award to be given to individuals "deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, or engineering sciences." In 1980 Congress expanded this recognition to include the social and behavioral sciences.
Deadline: April

Alan T. Waterman Award

Amount of award: the awardee receives a grant of $500,000 over a three year period for scientific research or advanced study in the mathematical, physical, medical, biological, engineering, social, or other sciences at the institution of the recipient's choice.
The annual award recognizes an outstanding young researcher in any field of science or engineering supported by the National Science Foundation.Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must be 35 years of age or younger or not more than 7 years beyond receipt of the Ph.D. degree by December 31 of the year in which they are nominated. Candidates should have demonstrated exceptional individual achievements in scientific or engineering research of sufficient quality to place them at the forefront of their peers. Criteria include originality, innovation, and significant impact on the field.
Deadline:  Oct.



The New York Academy of Medicine
The Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize of The New York Academy of Medicine was established in 1995 and is funded by the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation. The prize is awarded by the Academy for the most outstanding glaucoma work published during the previous year.
Amount of award: $50,000
Deadline:  May
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The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
The Kavli Prize
This prize will be awarded for outstanding achievement in advancing our knowledge and understanding in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience.
Amount of award: $1 million USD
Deadline: Dec.

Ochsner Clinic Foundation
The Alan Ochsner Award Relating Smoking and Disease

This award is for any candidate whom you believe should be honored for his or her outstanding scientific achievements relating to the role of tobacco consumption to the pathogenesis of disease. This scientific work may be clinical, fundamental, epidemiological or prevention in scope. The prime criterion for award selection is its scientific context and impact on this major health threat.
Amount of award: $15,000 will be presented to one to three individuals annually
Nomination deadline: March 31, 2016 online
The sponsor does not have a website for this award.
Download the PDF file of the announcement  pdf file


The Prince of Asturias Foundation in Spain
The Prince of Asturias Awards

The Princess of Asturias Foundation in Spain is accepting nominations for the 2016 Princess of Asturias Awards, which recognize scientific, technical, cultural, social, and humanitarian achievement on an international level. Each Princess of Asturias Award comprises a Joan Miró sculpture representing and symbolizing the Award, a cash prize of € 50,000 (approx. $55,000 USD), a diploma, and an insignia.
Awards are given to an individual, group of individuals, or institutions in the following eight categories:
Arts: cinematography, theatre, dance, music, photography, painting, sculpture, architecture or any other form of artistic expression that constitutes an outstanding contribution to the cultural heritage of humanity.
Literature: literary work that represents an outstanding contribution to universal literature.
Social Sciences: creative work or research that represents an outstanding contribution to the benefit of humanity in the fields of History, Law, Linguistics, Teaching, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Ethics, Philosophy, Geography, Economics, Demography or Anthropology, including the disciplines corresponding to each of these fields.
Communication and Humanities: creative and investigative work in any type of humanistic activity or in any activity related to social communication, within the framework of the sciences and disciplines that both fields of activity encompass.
Technical and Scientific Research: research, findings and/or inventions that represent an outstanding contribution to the progress and welfare of humanity in the fields of Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, and Technological Sciences, including those disciplines corresponding to each of these fields and their related techniques.
International Cooperation: public health, universal education, environmental protection, and social and economic development.
Sports: advancement, nurturing, fostering or dissemination of sport.
Concord: defense of human rights, promotion of peace, freedom, solidarity, the protection of heritage and, in general, to the progress and understanding of humanity.
€50,000 prize
Deadline:  March
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Reid Elsevier Environmental Challenge Prize
For projects that best demonstrate how they can provide sustainable access to safe water where it is presently at risk and/or access to improved sanitation. Projects must have clear practical applicability, address identified need, and advance related issues such as health, education, or human rights. $25K-$50K.
Eligibility: Applicants must be 21 or over to enter the Challenge. Applicants may participate as individuals or in teams.
Note: This is a gift and not a sponsored project so you do not have to submit your applications through your institutional representative.
Application Deadline: April 2016 TBA
To apply >>

Robarts Research Institute

J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine   The 2016 Taylor Prize will be granted to a scientist who has made outstanding contributions in the field of Chronic lung disease including asthma and COPD
Amount of award:   $25,000
Deadline:  May
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Ross Heart Hospital Accepting Nominations for Schottenstein Cardiovascular Sciences Prize
Ohio State University
This prestigious prize provides national and international recognition to a physician or biomedical scientist who has made extraordinary and sustained leadership contributions to improving healthcare; or who has successfully pursued innovative biomedical research with demonstrated translational benefits to patient care.
Deadline: Jan. TBA
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The Royal Dublin Society
RDS Irish Times Boyle Medal for Scientific Excellence (Irish born)

This will be awarded to any Irish-born scientist (regardless of the passport they currently hold), or pure mathematician, based abroad whose research has made an internationally recognized contribution to their field of study. The Medal will carry with it a cash prize of €20,000.
Deadline:   Feb.
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The David E. Rumelhart Prize
Robert J. Glushko and Pamela Samuelson Foundation
(human cognition)
The David E. Rumelhart Prize is awarded annually to an individual or collaborative team making a significant contemporary contribution to the theoretical foundations of human cognition. Contributions may be formal in nature: mathematical modeling of human cognitive processes, formal analysis of language and other products of human cognitive activity, and computational analyses of human cognition using symbolic or non-symbolic frameworks all fall within the scope of the award.
Nomination deadline: Feb.
Amount of award: $100,000
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The Sackler Prizes

The Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Biophysics
Tel Aviv University
Amount of the prize: $100,000
Topics vary each year.
For 2016: Eligibility: Candidates must be no more than 45 years old by Jan. 1, 2016 (i.e., born after Jan. 1, 1971) to be considered.
Nominators: Nominations for the Sackler Prize can be made by individuals belonging to one or more of the following categories: Members of the TAU Senate and Members of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Presidents, Rectors, Vice-Presidents, Provosts, Deans in the Natural Sciences, Medicine & Engineering. Professors of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine and Engineering in recognized institutions of higher learning and research in Israel and abroad. Sackler Prize Laureates.
Nomination deadline:


The Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in the Physical Sciences
The prize is awarded alternatively in the fields of Chemistry and Physics, and is intended to encourage dedication to science, originality and excellence by rewarding outstanding young scientists.
Deadline: TBA
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Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE)
Energy Security Prize

Co-sponsored by CNBC and Clemson University
The Prize is designed to support the critical efforts of companies (and universities) whose ingenuity, leadership, and perseverance are poised to advance American energy security by helping to end U.S. oil dependence.
Amount of award: $125,000
Deadline:  April (2016 TBA)
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The Shaw Prize Foundation in Hong Kong
The Shaw Prize
This prize honours individuals, regardless of race, nationality and religious belief, who have achieved significant breakthrough in academic and scientific research or application, and whose work has resulted in a positive and profound impact on mankind. 3 prizes will be offered: Astronomy, Life Science and Medicine, and Mathematical Sciences
Amount of award:  $1 million
Deadline:   Invitations are sent to nominators. Nov.

Society for Neuroscience Research
Website for prizes: more >>

Julius Axelrod Prize
Amount of award: $25,000
Deadline:  June
The Julius Axelrod Prize was established to honor a scientist with distinguished achievements in the broad field of neuropharmacology or a related area and exemplary efforts in mentoring young scientists.

Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience
Amount of award: $25,000
Award presented to an outstanding scientist who has made significant contributions to neuroscience throughout his or her career.
Deadline:  June

Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Amount of the award: $25,000
Award presented to individuals who, over a period of time, have made significant contributions or advances in theoretical and computational neuroscience
Deadline:  June

Jacob P. Waletzky Award
Amount of the award: $25,000
Award presented to a scientist who has conducted research or plans to conduct research in the area of substance abuse and the brain and nervous system

Deadline:  June

The State of Israel
Eric and Sheila Samson Prime Minister's Prize for Innovation in Alternative Fuels for Transportation

Amount of award: $1M U.S.
The 2014 annual prize will be awarded for global innovation, a scientific or a technological breakthrough in the field of alternative fuels in transportation. Nominees for the prize should be actively engaged in innovative, paradigm-shifting research or technology development in the field of alternative fuels in transportation worthy of significant and widespread attention. Citizens of any country, religion or race are eligible to be nominated
Deadline:  May
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Technology Academy Finland
Millennium Technology Award

Amount of the award: €1 million (= approximately $1.134 million USD)
Purpose: awarded to groundbreaking technological innovations that enhance the quality of people’s lives in a sustainable manner. The innovations have been applied in practice and are delivering extensive change now and in the future. The innovations stimulate further cutting edge research and development.
The award is designed to encourage further cutting-edge research and development and is not a lifetime achievement award.
This can be awarded to a single individual or to a team and is open to all nationalities.
Deadline: July
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The Tang Prizes

About the prizes: From 2014, the Tang Prize will be awarded on a biennial basis, with four cash prizes of NT$40 million (around US $1.33M) each. Should two, or up to three, candidates receive an award in the same category, the cash prize will be shared. Research projects proposed by the award winners will also receive a grant of up to NT$10million (around US $330K) to be used within five years. Prizes will go to researchers from all over the world who have made outstanding achievements in the four chosen areas.
Deadline:  Sept.
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The Award categories are:

  • The Tang Prize in Sustainable Development recognizes innovation in, and application of science and technology in fields such as engineering and construction, energy, environment and ecology, which have contributed to human society and the sustainable development of the earth.
  • The Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science will be awarded in recognition of original biomedical science and pharmaceutical research that has led to significant advances towards preventing, diagnosing and treating major human diseases and improving the human health.
  • The Tang Prize in Sinology recognizes the study of Sinology in its broadest sense, awarding research on China and its related fields, such as Chinese thought, history, philology, linguistics, archaeology, philosophy, religion, traditional canons, literature, and art (excluding literary and art works). Honoring innovations in the field of Sinology, the Prize showcases Chinese culture and its contributions to the development of human civilization. (Limited to ONE)
  • The Tang Prize in Rule of Law For the purpose of the Tang Prize, the Rule of Law encompasses due process and substantive justice, and champions peace, human rights, and sustainable development in order to serve the common good of humankind and nature. The Tang Prize in the Rule of Law recognizes individual(s) or institution(s) who have made significant contributions to the rule of law, reflected not only in the achievement of the candidate(s) in terms of the advancement of legal theory or practice, but also in the realization of the rule of law in contemporary societies through the influences or inspiration of the work of the candidate(s).



TED Prize
2017 TED Prize
We award TED Prize winners $1 million to inspire dreamers to think bigger about what's possible. The award offers support to build a project's core infrastructure quickly--so that others can add their own collaborative action. The TED Prize has helped to combat poverty, take on religious intolerance, improve global health, tackle child obesity, advance education, and inspire art around the world. TED prize nominees can be activists, scientists, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, technologists, etc. The ideal nominee is a visionary who thinks big and a strong leader with skills to make things happen. Self nominations are permitted.
Nominations are now being accepted year-round on a rolling basis.
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The Vilcek Foundation
The Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Sciences

Unlimited numbers of applicants are permitted.
The Vilcek Foundation will award three cash prizes of $50,000 each to young foreign-born biomedical scientists who demonstrate outstanding early achievement. Eligible work may be in basic, applied, and/or translational biomedical science.
2015 guidelines (these will be changed in 2016)
Eligible positions include: Assistant or Associate Professors, Research Scientist or equivalent.
Applicant must have been born outside of the United States. Individuals who were born in a U.S. territory (i.e., Guam, Puerto Rico) are not eligible;
Must be no more than 38 years old as of Dec. 31, 2014 (born on or after Jan. 1, 1976)
Applicant must be a naturalized citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) of the U.S.; earned a doctoral degree (M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent); intend to pursue a professional career in the U.S.; hold a full-time position in an academic institution or other organization.
The applicant must be directly responsible for the design and execution of the work submitted for consideration.
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows working under the supervision of a mentor are not eligible.
Deadline: June
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University of Michigan
Taubman Prize for Excellence in Translational Medical Science
This award is presented annually by the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute at the University of Michigan. It is meant to recognize work in the crucial field of translational research being conducted by the clinician-scientist who has done the most to transform laboratory discoveries into clinical applications for patients suffering from disease.
Amount of award: $100,000
Deadline: Feb.

University of Pittsburgh
Thomas E. Starlz Prize in Surgery and Immunology

Honorarium of $10,000 and travel to the University of Pittsburgh
Eligibility: Outstanding national and international leaders who have made significant contributions to the fields of organ transplantation and immunology
Deadline: May (not offered in 2015 and 2016)
PDF file of the brochure: Starzl Brochure.pdf

University of Pittsburg
Dickson Prize in Medicine

Nominees for the Dickson Prize in Medicine should be actively engaged in innovative, paradigm-shifting biomedical research that is worthy of significant and broad attention. This is a prize for someone whose career has been building, who is at an especially productive point currently, and whose research is—or will be—so influential that it deserves major recognition now. The recipient must be a U.S. citizens.
Amount of award: $50,000
Deadline: Oct.

University of Southern California
John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement

Prizes are awarded for any one of the following:  the protection, maintenance, improvement or understanding of an ecological or an environmental condition anywhere in the world; the discovery, further development, improvement, or understanding of known or new sources of energy; medical discoveries or achievement with such worldwide implications that they significantly benefit environmental aspects of human health.
Self nominations are not accepted.
Amount of award:   $200,000
Deadline:  Sept.
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Warren Alpert Foundation/Harvard Medical School
Warren Alpert Foundation Prize 
Awarded to one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability to treat disease. The prize is open to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens.
Amount of award:  $500,000 (to be split equally if more than one awardee is selected)
Deadline: Nov.

The Welch Foundation
Welch Award in Chemistry
-any person can be considered for the award who has made important chemical research contributions which have a significant, positive influence on mankind. The award is intended to recognize contributions that have not previously been rewarded in a similar manner.
Amount of award:   $300,000
Deadline:  Feb.
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Wiley Foundation
Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences

This prize is intended to recognize contributions that have opened new fields of research, or advanced novel concepts or their applications in a particular biomedical discipline.
Amount of award:   $25,000
Deadline:  July
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Wolf Prize
Wolf Prizes in Agriculture, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics
The following limitations are imposed by our Rules : a person cannot be nominated by himself/herself; the prize is awarded to individuals, not institutions, and it is presented to the recipient in person in Jerusalem. The nominators are therefore requested not to propose any candidate who, to the best of their knowledge, may not be able to attend the Ceremony.
Amount of award:  $100,000
Deadline:   August
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World Cultural Council
Albert Einstein World of Science Award
(offered annually)
To recognize scientists who have accomplished scientific and technological achievements which have brought progress to science and benefit to mankind. Topics to be announced in the letter to the university every year
Jose Vasconcelos Award World Award of Education (offered alternate years)
This $10,000 prize is granted to renowned educator, an authority in the field of teaching, or to a legislator of education policies who has had a significant influence on the advancement in the scope of culture for mankind.
The Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts (offered alternate years)
may be conferred upon a renowned artist, sculptor, writer, poet, cinematographer, photographer, architect, musician or other performing artist, whose work constitutes a significant contribution to the artistic legacy of the world.
Nomination deadline: Dec.
Nomination guidelines


World of Children Award
Purpose to recognize and elevate selfless individuals who make a difference in the lives of children around the world, regardless of political, religious or geographical boundaries. These courageous leaders recognize that children are the world's most important asset. The Awards honor these leaders and grant them funds to support the proven, high-impact programs they have created for children. These Awards ensure that more children's lives will be touched, improved and changed forever.
2016 Categories:
2016 Protection Award-Minimum Grant of $50,000 recognizes individuals making extraordinary contributions to children so that they can live free from fear, abuse, and exploitation (including but not limited to trafficking, slavery, and sexual exploitation)
2016 Education Award-Minimum Grant of $50,000 recognizes individuals who are making extraordinary contributions to the lives of vulnerable children in their educational development and providing them the platform from which to become full productive members of society.
2016 Health Award - Minimum Grant of $50,000. Recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to children in the fields of health, medicine, or the sciences. Health award honorees are not necessarily doctors or medical professionals; however, all have achieved and continue to achieve measurable accomplishments to improve the health of children around the world
2016 Humanitarian Award - Minimum Grant of $50,000 recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to children in the areas of social services or humanitarian services. Nomee must have created, managed or otherwise supported a sustainable program which has significantly contributed to children’s opportunities to be safe, to learn and to grow.
2016 Youth Award - Minimum Grant of $25,000 recognizes a young hero (under the age of 21) who is making extraordinary contributions to the lives of other children.
Eligibility: see the guidelines for detailed criteria
Nomination deadline:   April
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Honorary Societies

ASCI-American Society of Clinical Investigation
Membership to the ASCI is by election only and is considered an extraordinary honor in academic medicine and industry. Each year, ASCI members nominate those they feel have had significant accomplishments at a relatively early age — 45 or younger — in their careers.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

IOM-Institute of Medicine    
Election to the Institute of Medicine is one of the most distinguished achievements accorded to those in fields related to medicine and health, reflecting both an honor and obligation to work on behalf of the organization, its governance, and its studies. With their election, members make a commitment to devote a significant amount of volunteer time on a broad range of activities on health policy issues.

National Academy of Science
Election to membership in the National Academy of Sciences is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a U.S. scientist or engineer. Academy membership recognizes those who have made distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Nominations can be submitted throughout the year only by NAS members.

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