Irv Weissman, MD

Irv Weissman is the director of the institute.

Lorena Najarro

Lorena Najarro is an administrator.

Linda Quinn

LInda Quinn is assistant to Dr. Irv Weissman.

Yukiko Murman

Yukiko Murman is assistant to Dr. Hiro Nakauchi.

Amy Erickson

Amy Erickson is Student Services Officer.

Rosalind Ravasio

Rosalind Ravasio is the institute Director of Finance and Administration

Theresa Zabarte

Is an administrative associate.

Laura Dunn

Is an administrative assistant and travel coordinator for Irv Weissman.

Stephen Weber

Stephen Weber is a life sciences research professional who works in the FACS core.

Ikuyo Lehmann

Ikuyo Lehmann is an administrative associate.

Heather Gentner

Heather Gentner is the institute Finance Manager.

Christopher Vaughan

Christopher Vaughan is communications officer for the institute.

Margaret (Peggy) Cuadro

Peggy Cuadro is an administrative associate. She is assistant to Dr. Michael Clarke.


Patty Lovelace

Patty Lovelace is manager of the FACS core.

Rachelle Riley

Rachelle Riley is assistant to Dr. Marius Wernig.