Welcome to the Department of Medicine

Latest News

  • Stanford Medicine Partners with AstraZeneca

    The Stanford Center for Clinical Research and AstraZeneca have entered into a multiyear collaboration that will address major health-care challenges and provide funding to School of Medicine investigators.

  • Remembering Holbrook Kohrt

    In his too-short life of only 38 years, our colleague Holbrook Kohrt accomplished more than most people can hope for in a normal lifespan.

  • Thirty Years of Teaching Teachers

    Picture this: You are walking into your building and you see a close colleague you realize you haven’t spoken to in more than a month walking toward you. You stop and say, “Hey, I haven’t seen you in awhile. What have you been up to?”…

  • John Hennessy offers his personal perspective

    The premise behind TRAM’s “Personal Perspectives” lecture series is simple: Give Stanford luminaries a microphone, a stage, and an hour to talk about their careers and interests, and people will show up.

Medicine Grand Rounds

February 24 @ 8-9 am

Translating Discoveries to Cures – The Drug Development Paradigms

LKSC, Berg Hall, 2nd Floor

March 2 @ 8-9 am

Age, Estimating GFR and Living Kidney Donation

LKSC, Berg Hall, 2nd Floor

March 9 @ 8-9 am

The Shock of Attention: Discoveries of Narrative Medicine

LKSC, Berg Hall, 2nd Floor

Faculty Activities Of Note

Research Corner with Ken Mahaffey

Vice Chair of Clinical Research Ken Mahaffey sits down with Rebecca McCue to discuss clinical research at Stanford.

The Great Lie that Tells the Truth | Abraham Verghese | TEDxStanford

Cardiology 2015: The Year in Review

In the latest episode of “The Bob Harrington Show” on Medscape’s theheart.org, Drs Harrington and Gibson give their annual review of the highs and lows in medicine with a focus on cardiology.

Divisions in the Department of Medicine

Stanford Internal Medicine Residency Program Hangout

  • Faculty Spotlight - Sigurdis Haraldsdottir, MD

    Sigurdis Haraldsdottir, MD (assistant professor, Hematology/Oncology), is a recent (October 2015) newcomer to the Department of Medicine faculty. She is a native of Iceland, a fact that colors her professional interests as well as the ways she chooses to spend her free time.