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Engage and Empower Me: Patient Engagement Design

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Course topic: 

Engage and Empower Me Intro

About This Course

Engage and Empower Me: Patient Engagement Design is an online course brought to you by the Stanford AIM Lab and Medicine X at Stanford University.

Our goal is to educate you about participatory medicine and empower you to create a more inclusive, collaborative healthcare system for patients. In this course, you will learn the science of habit formation, behavior change, and decision-making. You will gain knowledge about how human-centered design can empower people and help them make healthy choices. Finally, you will discover how social media platforms can be used to create robust patient communities and how self-tracking devices can provide day-to-day data points that motivate people to make positive changes.


This course is open to patients, healthcare providers, caregivers, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in how we can engage patient perspectives to improve health outcomes for all. Patient Engagement Design is for anyone who shares the goal of creating a healthier, activated population, and an inclusive, empathic healthcare system. We look forward to assisting you as you progress through this course and encourage you to reach out with feedback. There are no prerequisites.


Do I need to buy a textbook?

No, all reading materials are optional and are provided.

What is the purpose of this course?

This is nine-week course composed of modules that will teach you design theory, consumer and patient psychology, and models for behavior design and habit formation. We aim to build a motivated, inspired, and informed cohort of patients healthcare innovators by providing a broad spectrum of tools and exposure to experts from various fields who will teach and inspire you.

How is the course structured?

Each module will introduce you to an ePatient with a powerful story to share and a unique perspective on the healthcare system. In addition, you will hear from academics, industry leaders, researchers, and healthcare providers.

We have included several opportunities for you to engage in conversations about the topics covered during the course. Please use the discussion boards for reflection, critical analysis, dialogue, brainstorming, and as an outlet for forming social contracts and committing to your goals.

You can check your understanding by completing questions embedded in the course and an end-of-module assessment.

We will you to apply the strategies you learn to reach your personal health goals; to improve your relationship with the healthcare system; to create innovative healthcare solutions on a large or small scale; or to be a more empathetic and inclusive care providers.

Dr. Larry Chu, MD, MS

Larry Chu is an Associate Professor of Anesthesia on the faculty of the Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Chu studies how information technologies can be used to improve medical education and collaborates with researchers in simulation and computer science at Stanford to study how cognitive aids can improve health care outcomes. He is the Executive Director of Stanford Medicine X.

Dr. Kyra Bobinet, MD, MPH

When is comes to health engagement, Dr. Bobinet has 5 words of advice: be caring, authentic, and useful. As the CEO-founder of engagedIN, a behavior design firm sprouted out of Stanford, Kyra is devoting her life to helping people crack the code of how, what, and especially, WHY we engage in things. Kyra has founded several healthcare start-ups, spanning behavior health, population health, and mobile health. She has designed behavior change programs, big data algorithms, billion dollar products, mobile health apps, and evidence-based studies in mind-body and metabolic medicine. All of her designs, whether for at-risk teens or seniors, are rooted in the belief that true caring is our greatest salve. Dr. Bobinet currently co-teaches courses at Stanford School of Medicine on patient engagement and empowerment, and health design with Dr. Larry Chu, founder of MedicineX. She also studies in Dr. BJ Fogg’s Persuasive Tech Lab at Stanford. Dr. Bobinet received her Masters in Public Health at Harvard University, specializing in Healthcare Management, Technology-enabled Behavior Change, and Population Health Management. She received her medical degree from the UCSF School of Medicine. When she’s not geeking out on neuroscience literature, you can find her engaged in her kids, minimalist eco design, and surfing.