Get Involved

Mom asking question
Most parents attend at least one Parents’ Weekend, which is generally held in late February.

New Student Orientation and Parent and Family Weekend are among the events with specific programming for Stanford parents. The Stanford Parents’ Program and the Parents’ Club are among the organizations that give parents a chance to become more involved with the university.

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation (NSO) is held in late September shortly before school begins. It includes events for parents, such as seminars, chances to meet university administrators and a dinner hosted by the provost. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Events involve much walking. Plus, although some residences have elevators, many do not. You may have to carry boxes of belongings up several flights of stairs. Temperatures are warm during the days–70s to 80s–and cool in the evenings–40s to 50s. All parent programming is scheduled for only the first day of NSO. Parents are asked to bid farewell to their child in the late afternoon at residence hall events. Most parents end their day at the annual Parent Dinner with the Provost.

Information on orientation is included in Approaching Stanford. A schedule of NSO events is provided to parents and students when they arrive. Advance reservations for hotel rooms are strongly advised. If you have questions about NSO, call (650) 72-FROSH or send email to

Parents’ Weekend

About half of all parents attend at least one Parents’ Weekend while their children are at Stanford. The popular event is generally held the last full weekend in February. Parents should wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Parents’ Weekend tends to involve a great deal of walking. The Palo Alto area in the winter is cool–40s and 50s–and wet. Rain gear is advised. The fall issue of the Stanford Parents’ Newsletter will provide details.

Stanford Parents’ Program

The Stanford Parents’ Program hosts receptions that bring university speakers to parents in their regions, organizes volunteers to help with events and fundraising and encourages parents to become part of the Stanford community. Call (650) 723-0248 or visit the website.

Parents’ Club of Stanford University

The Parents’ Club of Stanford University was founded as the Mothers’ Club in 1924 to support Stanford and its students and to involve parents in the life of the university. The Club provides a birthday cake, cookie, flower, balloon and plant delivery service to enable parents to remember their students on important occasions. Each order is delivered directly to the residence by a Parents’ Club member.

Mortar board
Students often use their mortar boards at Commencement to thank friends and family.

Parents’ Club members volunteer at New Student Orientation, Parents’ Weekend and Admit Weekend. The club also sponsors a monthly, on-campus speakers program.

Publications, Web Sites and Other Resources

The Stanford Parents’ Newsletter is electronically mailed during the academic year to parents of undergraduate students.

Parents with questions can call the Parents’ Help Line at (650) 725-0649 or send e-mail to

iTunes@stanford allows you to listen for free to Stanford faculty lectures, interviews, music and sports. Most Stanford videos are also on YouTube.

Stanford, the university’s magazine, is sent to parents while their son or daughter is an undergraduate.

Facebook users can become fans of Stanford to receive regular feeds of the most interesting news across campus. Twitter users can also receive instantly updated information.

Stanford Report, the university’s news source, is available online. Parents are encouraged to subscribe.

Updating Your Address

To update your address and/or telephone information with the university or to request that another parent receive mailings, email

When You Visit Stanford

Check out the visitor information site. It provides useful information about Stanford and the San Francisco Bay Area, including links to local lodging. Especially helpful is the Plan Your Visit site, which includes parking information, directions and aiport information. Be sure to make travel arrangements early for special events because there are a limited number of hotels near the university.

The Campus HIghlights website outlines campus locations you might visit.

New Student Orientation and Parents’ Weekend provide parking for parents. At other times, permits are required for campus lots when you visit. Visit the parking website for more.