Twin Goals

End Extreme Poverty


of the world population lives on less than $1.90 a day

Our target is to reduce this number to 9% by 2020

Boost Shared Prosperity


Average income growth of the bottom 40 percent of the population in developing countries

Our target is to increase the income of the bottom 40% of earners by 2020



Staff Diversity and Inclusion

Reach and maintain a staff diversity index of 1

13 % Progress
Target0.85 ⇒ 1.0
On Track

Citizen Engagement

Incorporate beneficiary feedback in all projects, where those are identifiable, by FY18

96 % Progress
Target27 ⇒ 100%
On Track

Mapping Investments

Geo-coding 100% of World Bank Group investment projects globally

92 % Progress
Target0 ⇒ 100%
On Track

Climate Change

Increase the share of climate-related financing in its portfolio to 28 percent of our commitments by 2020

64 % Progress
Target0% ⇒ 28%
Needs Improvement

Pandemic Preparedness

Disburse $518 million to support countries response to the Ebola outbreak

89 % Progress
Target$0 ⇒ $518m
On Track

Pace of Business

Reduce our project preparation time by ⅓

18 % Progress
Target16.8 ⇒ 11.2 months
Current15.8 months
Needs Improvement

Universal Financial Access

Enable 1 billion adults to access a transaction account by 2020

66 % Progress
Target0 ⇒ 1bn
On Track

Safeguards Management

Complete the World Bank action plan to improve the management of safeguards and resettlement practices outcomes by FY16.

85 % Progress
Target0 ⇒ 100%
In Process

Fragility and Conflict

Increase IFC own-account investment in fragile settings by 50% between FY12 − FY16

100 % Progress
Target$358 ⇒ $537m

Country Opinion Survey - Knowledge

Achieve average 7 out of 10 rating from stakeholders by FY17

100 % Progress
Target6.8 ⇒ 7.0

Country Opinion Survey - Effectiveness & Results

Achieve average 7 out of 10 rating from stakeholders by FY17

33 % Progress
Target6.4 ⇒ 7.0
On Track


HeForShe Pledge
making the World Bank part of this global movement, the first international financial institution to do so

HeForShe Pledge

gender balance within senior management by 2020, in technical fields by 2022 & 2nd level EDGE by 2020; implement plan from the Gender-based Violence Task Force.

$3 Billion
to celebrate Bangladesh’s achievements in helping millions of people lift themselves out of poverty


$2 billion over the next three years to help the country become less vulnerable to climate change & up to $1 billion to address malnourishment among children

Climate Change Knowledge Portal, Bangladesh
up to $6 billion
in concessional finance to address the refugee crises in middle income countries

Global Concessional Financing Facility

Raise $1.5 billion in grant contributions to enable up to $6 billion in concessional financing over 5 years to tackle refugee crises in middle-income countries.

Financing Peace [...], video, 2016
$24 billion
to accelerate universal health coverage in Africa

Universal Health Coverage in Africa

World Bank Group and Global Fund expect to contribute $24 billion to UHC in Africa, with $15 billion from the Bank in the next 5 years

UHC in Africa: A Framework for Action, 2016 (p. 29)
Connect 1.5 billion people online by 2020

Global Connect Initiative

The World Bank Group is part of a multi-stakeholder partnership to connect 1.5 billion people to the internet by 2020

$500 million to speed up response to pandemic threats

Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility

Insuring poorest countries against serious disease outbreaks and recovery.

$2.5 billion toward adolescent girls education

Educational Projects for Adolescent Girls

World Bank Group to invest $2.5 billion over 5 years in education projects benefiting adolescent girls

New poverty data every three years
from household surveys in the 78 poorest countries with the first round by 2020

Poverty Survey

Household surveys to be conducted every three years in 78 of the poorest countries, with the first round to be completed by 2020

$29 billion to tackle climate change

Climate Change Financing

$29 billion climate finance in 2020, with $16 billion in World Bank Group commitments and $13 billion in co-financing

Climate Change Action Plan: 2016-2020, 2016 (p. 1)
$518 million to support countries response to pandemics

Pandemic Response and Recovery

$518 million to countries affected by Ebola to respond to and recover from the crisis

World Development Report 2014 – Pandemic risk (p. 3).
Universal financial access by 2020

Universal Financial Access

World Bank Group to enable 1 billion adults to access a transaction account by 2020

Double results-based financing in education

Program-for-Results in Education

up to $5 billion over the next five years

$2 Billion for Myanmar


$2 billion over multiple years to support reforms, reduce poverty, increase energy and health access

$16 billion
to help Sub-Saharan Africa tackle climate challenges

Africa Climate Business Plan

$5.7 billion from IDA grants, and the rest from a variety of sources, including bilateral and multilateral sources, dedicated climate finance sources, and the private sector.

Featured Data

of Sub-Saharan Africa's population currently lives in countries with growth rates of over 6 percent despite economic challenges (avg. 2014–16).
This means strong growth in just over ¼ of the countries in the region during the 2014–16 period and suggests Sub-Saharan Africa is growing at diverging speeds.
Africa's Pulse, Oct. 2016 (p.5 and 31)
$ 8.50 per child
per year needed to meet the global stunting target
The global target is to reduce from 160 to 100 million the stunting of children under 5 years old globally.
Reaching the Global Target to Reduce Stunting, July 2015
2.4 billion
people live without access to a toilet
Sanitation lies at the root of many other development challenges. Poor sanitation impacts public health, education, and the environment
A Waterway to Resilience: Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report, 2016 (p.12)
7 billion
tons of CO₂ covered by carbon pricing
WBG, "Carbon finance for sustainable development : 2015 annual report," 2016
½ world’s poor
will live in countries where development outcomes are affected by fragility, conflict and violence by 2030
About 2 billion people live in countries where development outcomes are affected by fragility, conflict and high levels of violence.
World Bank - Fragility, Conflict and Violence, context section, 2015
1.1 billion
people still live without electricity
2.9 billion people rely on wood or other biomass for cooking and heating
RISE: Readiness for investment in sustainable energy: A tool for policymakers, 2014 (p.17)
$ 37 billion
annual expected benefit from avoided pandemics and other major outbreaks
This would require investment of $3.4 billion annually to bring developing country health systems up to international standards for disease control.
Pandemic Risks, 2014 (p. 33)
2 billion
adults lack access to financial services
From 2011 to 2014 the share of unbanked adults dropped from 49% to 38%, but 2 billion adults are still unbanked.
Global Findex, April 2015
$ 19.5 billion
in government revenues generated by IFC clients
IFC investment clients also supported 2.5 million jobs in 2014.
International Financial Corporation 2015 Annual Report
$ 14.7 billion
in new loans issued by MIGA clients
MIGA’s $2.3 billion in political risk insurance and credit enhancement guarantees underpinned investments in 2015
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency 2015 Annual Report
more food production is needed to feed the world’s 9 billion people by 2050
More than $80 billion in public and private investment in agriculture is needed per year to eliminate hunger.
GAFSP 2014 Annual Report
1.5 billion
people in developing countries lack any form of officially recognized identification
Fewer than half of all adults in the poorest 40% of households have a bank account—an arrangement that requires an official ID.
Digital Identity: Towards Shared Principles for Public and Private Sector Cooperation, 2016 (p.10)
125 million
people - more than the size of Mexico - gained access to clean, modern cooking fuel
However, 2.9 billion people - more than India and China combined - still don't have access to clean, modern cooking fuel.
Progress Toward Sustainable Energy 2015, data for 2010-2012
200 million
micro to medium enterprises in developing economies need access to better financial services
200 to 245 million enterprises do not have a loan or overdraft, but are in need of one—the unserved—or do have a loan but still find access to finance—the underserved.
Closing the Credit Gap for Formal and Informal Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, 2013 (p. 7)
162 million
children under 5 suffering from stunting in 2013.
Reaching the Global Target to Reduce Stunting, July 2015
of the total energy consumption came from renewable sources in 2012
Renewable energy’s contribution has to double from 18% to 36% by 2030 to meet the Sustainable Energy for All goal.
Progress Toward Sustainable Energy 2015
of the world population are forcibly displaced from their home
⅙ of total official development assistance financing, or $21.8 billion, was spent on humanitarian assistance in 2015, which is just $340 per person
Forcibly Displaced: Toward a development approach supporting refugees[...], 2016
560,000 students
benefited from the Albania Education Excellence and Equity Project
Thanks to the project, second school attainment in Albania increased from 50% in 2006 to 92% in 2013
Albania Education Excellence and Equity Project: Implementation completion and results report, 2014
$ 3.5 billion
is the projected economic impact to the countries in the Latin America and Caribbean of the zika virus in 2016
In tourist destinations, such as the Bahamas, the adverse economic impact amounted to over 1% of their GDP.
The short-term economic costs of Zika in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2016
5,402 kms
of rural roads in China restored with support of the World Bank
In the Fujian region of China alone, 1.31 million people directly benefited from these new rural roads.
Fujian Highway Sector Investment Project Evaluation by the Independent Evaluation Group, 2015
130 million
south asians live in informal settlements
However, absolute poverty in the south asia region declined from 50% in 1999 to less than 30% in 2010.
Leveraging Urbanization in South Asia, 2016
43 million
additional people in Africa may be pushed below the poverty line by 2030 due to climate change
Africa needs to spend $5–$10 billion a year today, to adapt to global warming.
Africa Climate Business Plan, 2015