Stem Cell Transplantation in the department of Pediatrics
Stem Cell Transplantation

The Division of Stem Cell Transplantation works to translate today's ground-breaking discoveries into state-of–the-art care for a number of devastating hematological disorders, immunodeficiency disorders and cancers impacting children around the world.With the creation of the Stanford Institute for Cancer/Stem Cell Biology and Medicine in 2002, Stanford has taken the lead in the global effort to unlock the regenerative powers of stem cells, precursor cells in the human body with the ability to divide continually and differentiate into specialized cell types.By understanding how stem cells work and the signals that drive their differentiation, Stanford researchers envision one day devising patient-specific therapies based on his or her own stem cells. These cells could be used to replenish tissues or specialized cells damaged by cancer and other diseases or to grow genetically identical replacements for organs damaged by trauma.

Bass Center
Michael Link, MDThe Bass Center of Excellence in Pediatric Cancer & Blood Diseases is committed to outstanding clinical care and research for children with cancer. Our faculty consists of physicians and scientists who work on all forms of pediatric cancer and who are part of a larger community of scientists at Stanford University. Our training programs in clinical oncology and hematology and in cancer research train the next generation of leaders in the field. More »

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