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More than students. More than scholars. At SGS, we are global citizens.


The Stanford Global Studies Division provides an arena for students and scholars to explore our increasingly complex world from multiple economic, political, social, technological and cultural perspectives. Our goal is to provide students and scholars with unique opportunities to explore the complexities of our globalized world from an interdisciplinary perspective.

We encourage traditional and innovative collaboration among our academic programs and centers and provide administrative and other support. SGS's programs are essential to the vibrancy of international research and study at Stanford University.


Recent News

Mar 2 2016
On Sunday, Stanford alumna SHARMEEN OBAID-CHINOY took home her second Oscar after winning Best Documentary Short for her film, A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness.   But Obaid-Chinoy, an alumna of both the International Policy Studies (‘03) and Communications (‘04)...
Feb 23 2016
Can poor crisis response in the face of a natural disaster shift long-standing party support for the long-term? According to research by Lina Erikkson, it can.  Eriksson, The Europe Center's Visiting Student Researcher, is a Fulbright Scholar who is visiting Stanford from Uppsala...