Spectrum Child Health


We provide a formal infrastructure for pediatrics research that enables, facilitates, and supports the clinical and translational research efforts of children's services at Stanford and invests in robust career development and mentoring for trainees, young investigators, and mid-level faculty to create a clear pathway that ensures their career advancement and success.

Study Navigator

Spectrum is pleased to announce the launch of Study Navigator, a web-based project tracker and collaboration tool designed to streamline the management of Stanford clinical and translational research projects. More »

Research Coordinator

Coordinator services available range from full support for clinical research studies and trials (administer questionnaires, assistance with budget, conduct patient visits, contract, and regulatory documents, IRB applications, CTRU coordination, recruitment, data/sample collection, and management, etc) to selected assistance (e.g. IRB preparation only). More »

Lab Services

The Core Lab provides Sample Processing, Storage, Shipping services, Assay Development, and Specialized Testing.More »

Citing Publications

Publications resulting from CHRI funded awards should acknowledge the LPFCH, CTSA, and CHRI as follows: “This study project supported by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, Stanford NIH-NCATS-CTSA UL1 TR001085 and Child Health Research Institute of Stanford University.”


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