If you want to travel, study, live, or work in Israel Hillel at Stanford is here to help make your dream a reality. Your options include, but are not limited to the following. For more information, please contact Israel Fellow, Yaron Fishelson,
yaronf@stanford.edu Birthright Israel
Go to Israel FOR FREE with your fellow Stanford students and Young Judaea! You are Birthright Eligible if you:
- Are a Stanford Student or Alumni (18- 26)
- Have at least one Jewish parent and identify as Jewish
- Have not participated on a peer educational trip since you turned 18 nor lived in Israel past the age of 12
MASA: Enables young Jews (18 to 30) to build a lasting relationship with Israel, strengthen their Jewish identity, and gain meaningful experiences by participating in a long-term program in Israel. Browse and learn more about Masa programs.
Shultz Fellowship: T he George and Charlotte Shultz Fellowship in Modern Israel Studies supports student research on issues relevant to modern Israel and the betterment of Israeli-Arab relations. Each year, Hillel at Stanford will award a $5,000 fellowship to a Stanford student to conduct research pertaining to modern Israeli politics, culture, society, and economy, and/or the betterment of Israeli-Arab relations (including Israeli-Palestinian relations).
Click here to learn more.