Precision health

Brain waves

How neuroscience could determine your mental health treatment

Recent and Relevant


Why write a letter?

Stanford palliative-care expert V.J. Periyakoil, MD, says patients should open the conversation about what they want at life’s end.

Inside Stanford Medicine

Who needs chemo

Stage-2 colon cancer patients whose tumors lack a particular protein are likely to benefit from chemotherapy, according to a new study.


All in the family

Using big data to predict who will have a genetic form of high cholesterol.

Inside Stanford Medicine

The heart of the matter

A streamlined, inexpensive, 88-gene test helps doctors identify mutations that cause cardiac anomalies.

Inside Stanford Medicine

Tailoring treatments

Understanding why someone’s kidneys have failed can lead to better outcomes.

From the Archives

Facing mortality

Before I go

A young neurosurgeon with metastatic lung cancer contemplates the fluid nature of time, and how to bid farewell to his infant daughter. "Words," he writes, "have a longevity I do not."

Social and school pressures lead teens to skip sleep

Go to bed

Social and cultural factors as well as new forms of information technology, like smartphones, all have collided with the biology of the adolescent to prevent teens from getting enough rest.

There's no beating blood

Roll up your sleeve

About 10 pints of blood flow through an average adults arteries and veins — delivering oxygen, fighting infection and healing wounds. Despite discoveries about how blood works, there’s no substitute.

An ancestral infection wakes up in human embryos

And virus makes four

Researchers have found that early human embryos known as blastocysts are full of viral proteins. “This was true for every blastocyst we looked at. Early human development clearly proceeds in the presence of viral proteins.”

Other Issues

Stanford Medicine magazine is published four times a year, and each issue focuses on a specific topic.

Fall 2015


The road ahead

Summer 2015

Skin deep

The science of the body's surface

Spring 2015

Life time

The long and short of it