Courses / Management Science and Engineering / 3 units / MS&E 140/240: Accounting for Managers and Entrepreneurs

Accounting for Managers and Entrepreneurs

MS&E 140/240
3 units
June 20 - August 13, 2016

Non-majors and minors who have taken or are taking elementary accounting should not enroll. Introduction to accounting concepts and the operating characteristics of accounting systems. The principles of financial and cost accounting, design of accounting systems, techniques of analysis, and cost control. Interpretation and use of accounting information for decision making. Designed for the user of accounting information and not as an introduction to a professional accounting career.




  • Enrollment limited. Admission by order of enrollment.
  • Non-majors and minors who have taken or are taking elementary accounting should not enroll.
  • Students may choose to take this course for 3 or 4 units, depending on individual needs. Only graduate students may register for MS&E 240. Undergraduate students must register for MS&E 140.
  • This course is offered as part of the Summer Intensive in Technology & Innovation, and qualifies toward the Certificate of Completion in Technology & Innovation.


Not Available