Graphology 101

by Shreya Dubey

One look at the way you write, and he can tell you so much about yourself. Fascinating, right?

As part of the series of on-campus events organized for Summer Session students, I registered for a Graphology workshop to gain an understanding of this intriguing art. At first, I was a bit skeptical about the subject altogether: I thought it would be largely based on intuition and common sense, kind of like palm-reading.

But when we entered the classroom in Lathrop Library, we were greeted by Mr. Rolando Garcia. He simply asked us to sign our names on a card, and then scribble some random things on the whiteboard behind him. And then started a sequence of deduction via logic. As he made the workshop personal for all of us by telling us about our relevant personality characteristics from simply analyzing our handwriting, he also explained how he arrived at this conclusion.

It was rather enthralling to see how our inner conflicts, desires, and thoughts translate into our handwriting. Handwriting analysis is not fortune-telling. It is an educated inference about a person’s behavior and what constitutes their personality.

Attending this workshop really opened my mind to the influences that our handwriting can have on what people think of us and who we are. It was an experience I will remember, and knowledge I will pursue.

Read more about this past summer’s Handwriting Analysis event on our Summer Session calendar.