Summer Session for
Current Stanford Students

Experience summer at your favorite institution. You already know what spending time at Stanford can do for you – now enjoy it with an intimate group of students, professors and professionals. Smaller classes and a curated list of activities means you’ll enjoy true hands-on learning, one-on-one time with luminaries in your chosen field, and deeper bonds with everyone on campus.

Summer Quarter Dates

Eight-Week Courses: Monday, June 20 – Saturday, August 13
Nine-Week Courses: Monday, June 20 – Friday, August 19

About the Program

Use the summer to its full advantage! Consider enrolling in the fourth academic quarter to:

  • Fulfill General Education Requirements
  • Focus on a particular subject or field of study
  • Prepare for graduate or medical school or entering the job market

Enrolling for the Summer Quarter is easy – simply register for courses on Axess beginning Sunday, April 10, 2016. No special application is required.

NOTE: Recent Stanford graduates who would like to continue their education during Summer Quarter should refer to the Visiting Domestic Students (U.S.) or Visiting International Students page for application and registration information.

Intensive Studies Certificates

Curious about or compelled by a specific subject? Stanford Summer Intensive Studies offers the opportunity to engage deeply with a single area of study outside your major. Expand your understanding of important social issues, or enhance your portfolio in preparation for graduate school, medical school, or the job market. Students who successfully complete a Stanford Summer Intensive will earn a Certificate of Completion from the Summer Session Office. More information is available on the Intensive Studies page.

Summer Employment Opportunities

The Summer Session Office hires Stanford students for a variety of positions. Refer to the Employment page for more details.


Expenses and Fees

A snapshot of program
expenses and fees

Summer Courses

Choose from more than
170 courses in 40 departments.