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Service/Delivery Vehicles

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Everyone needs a permit to park at Stanford.
Departments and vendors with specific service and delivery needs can apply for appropriate permits and gate access at the Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) office located at 340 Bonair Siding. All requests will be reviewed for eligibility based on need.

Department sponsorship is required for long-term permits (30-Days+): non-Stanford entities must submit a Department Sponsorship Form with a Department Permit Application Form to establish affiliation with a university department or on-campus organization.

For the safest route to make a service call or delivery, view or download the Service and Delivery/Truck Route Maps or Pedestrian Zone Access Map.

Service & Delivery Permits

Permits can be purchased by the day, month or academic year. Prices for 10 and 12-month permits are prorated monthly from October and reflected in our pricing chart. All departments, on-campus organizations and sponsored affiliates purchasing permits for business purposes must purchase “A-Business” or Service Vehicle permits.

“A-Business” Permits

This permit allows you to park in "A" and "C" spaces in regular commuter lots (except "Carpool Permit Only" spaces before 10 a.m.). Requests of 20 or more permits will be reviewed for approval by Parking & Transportation Services. See the Parking and Circulation Map for the locations of these areas.

Service Vehicle Permits

These permits allow you to park in any "A" or "C" space (except "Carpool Permit Only" spaces before 10 a.m.), metered spaces, residential permit spaces, and special "Service Vehicle" spaces adjacent to the Pedestrian Zone. They are NOT valid in spaces marked "Special Area Permit." If approved, you may also be granted access to the Pedestrian Zone (PZ).

There are three types of Service Vehicle permits. All offer the same privileges:

Where NOT to park

Never park at red curbs, in fire lanes, or on anything that isn't asphalt (this includes dirt, concrete sidewalks, grass, and mulch). Your vehicle may be cited and towed if you park in these areas.

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Loading and Unloading

No permit is required to load or unload at any marked loading area, except within the Pedestrian Zone. Do not leave your vehicle unattended for more than 10 minutes (or as marked), or you may be cited.

Government and University Vehicles

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The Pedestrian Zone

Stanford University's central Pedestrian Zone (PZ) has been established to create a safer central campus for pedestrians and cyclists, preserve facilities, and minimize the disruption of university activities through the elimination of unnecessary vehicular traffic. All vehicles (including motorized carts) require authorization prior to accessing the PZ and must display the appropriate PZ permit while moving through or parking in the PZ.

Please see the Pedestrian Zone Access Protocol for details about applying for PZ access privileges.

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Special Services for Contractors

All parking arrangements for construction, renovation or other University-sponsored projects must be made by the general contractor, in conjunction with the Stanford Project Manager, and adhere to the following Stanford University Land and Buildings policies:

Prior to the start of the project, the Project Manager and general contractor will need to submit the following materials to the Parking & Transportation Services office (340 Bonair Siding):

Contact us at (650) 723-9362 or send an email to: to make parking arrangements for your project.

Removing Bollards

To remove a lockable bollard, your Stanford project manager should send a Work Order Request to Maintenance Customer Service at 340 Bonair Siding, mail code 7270. In the request, identify the location of the bollard you need removed, the dates and times for removal and replacement, the reason it must be removed, a University account number to which the work should be charged, and, finally, a contact name and phone number. Please allow five days for the request to be processed. Your request is subject to P&TS approval. If your request is not accepted, you will be contacted to discuss alternatives.

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Special Arrangements

If you need to make special circulation or parking arrangements for your project or unique situation, send an email to or call (650) 723-9362.

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