•Only University recognized student groups are elligible to use Department of Music spaces for rehearsal purposes. •Groups without a valid student group number are not eligible. •Each group will be allowed accounts for two (2) representatives to book rooms 103, 105, and 106 in Braun Music Center on the department's online calendar. •Accounts will be deactivated at the end of Spring quarter, and will need to be applied for again before the next Autumn quarter. •By submitting a request for access your group and all of its members agree to the terms and conditions regarding the use of Department of Music spaces.
* indicates required fields.
First *
Last *
Requestor's Email *
Name of Group *
Student Group Number *
Email of First Representative *
Calendar Password *
Email of Second Representative *
1. Policies listed here are in addition to applicable University and SAL policies. 2. In booking a space, you must be aware of the groups using the space both before and after your event. You will need to ensure that you have reserved sufficient time for setup and take down of your event. This is to make sure that your event and participants do not intrude any group or event scheduled prior to yours, nor extend beyond the time that you have scheduled. 3. Your event must be contained in the room you have reserved. You may not set up anything in the halls. 4. The space used must be left clean, clear, and ready to use when you leave. 5. In classrooms, furniture must be returned to the classroom configuration when you leave. These are found posted on the doors of each classroom. 6. The room must be left cleaner than you found it. 7. Please cancel reservations that you do not intend to use as soon as you know, so others may book it. 8. Food and drink are not permitted in Department of Music spaces. 9. No banners, posters, or materials of any kind may be tacked, pinned, taped, or otherwise affixed onto any of the buildings’ walls, windows, or doors. Inappropriately posted materials will be removed at the sponsor’s expense. Chalk, markers, or paint may not be used on any of the walls, doors, or windows at any time. 10. The Department of Music reserves the right to change booking schedules based upon the needs of the University and the Department. 11. Violation of these policies are cause for loss of building privileges.
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