Publications Publications

MARCM stocks @ Bloomington
Q system stocks @ Bloomington
piggybac stocks @ Kyoto

ROSA26-GG mice @ Jax
ROSA26-GG (C57BL/6J background) mice @ Jax
ROSA26-GR MADM mice @ Jax
ROSA26-GR (C57BL/6J background) MADM mice @ Jax
ROSA26-RG MADM mice @ Jax
ROSA26-RG (C57BL/6J background) MADM mice @ Jax
ROSA26-mT/mG mice @ Jax
ROSA26-mT/mG (C57BL/6J background) mice @ Jax
ROSA26-ZtTA mice @ Jax
TRE-Bi-SG-T mice @ Jax
MADM-11-TG mice @ Jax
MADM-11-GT mice @ Jax
CAG-stop-tTA2 mice @ Jax
Arc-CreER mice @ Jax
Fos-CreER mice @ Jax
R26GT mice @ Jax
R26TG mice @ Jax
R26TT mice @ Jax
R26G-tTA2 mice @ Jax
Miya10GT mice @ Jax
Miya10TG mice @ Jax

Recombinant DNA
Luo lab constructs @ Addgene
Q system plasmids - full sequence files in GenBank format and maps - download here
Integrase system plasmids - full sequence files in GenBank format and maps - download here

For processing OB and AON data (Matlab; Miyamichi et al., 2010) - download here

Imaging Data
Flybrain @ Stanford
Dorsal Raphe Tracing Images (Weissbourd et al., Neuron, 2014)
Antennal Lobe Synapse Images (Mosca and Luo, eLife, 2014)
Updated 01/2015

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