Bikeways, Roads, Lanes and Paths

Learn about grants to public agencies to help expand the region’s bicycle roadway network. This program is designed to reduce air pollution by facilitating mode shifts to clean alternative forms of transportation.

Bikeways, Roads, Lanes and Paths

In fiscal year ending 2016, up to $3.84 million are available for bicycle parking and bikeway projects. Funding is offered on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds have been spent.

In order to be eligible for funding projects must be included in an adopted countywide bicycle plan, Congestion Management Plan (CMP), or the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Regional Bicycle Plan. Funding is available for the following project types:

  • New Class-1 bicycle paths;
  • New Class-2 bicycle lanes;
  • New Class-3 bicycle routes; and
  • New Class-4 cycle tracks or separated bikeways.

The eligible incentive amount will be determined using the most recent California Air Resources Board (ARB) calculation methodology for cost effectiveness and emissions reductions. 


All municipalities, government agencies, and public educational institutions located within the boundaries of the Air District’s jurisdiction are eligible to apply for funding. Non-public entities are not eligible for these funds.

This webpage provides an overview of the program. For complete list of eligibility requirements and application instructions, please review the Guidance for Bikeway Projects and other materials referenced below in the Resources section.

How to Apply

  1. Review the Guidance for Bikeway Projects and ensure that the proposed project meets all requirements
  2. Attend an application workshop
  3. Complete the online application and upload a Letter of Commitment or Resolution.


Workshops and Events

View the Calendar for upcoming workshops, events, and deadlines.

Contact Us

Linda Hui
Administrative Analyst, Strategic Incentives

Michael Neward
Administrative Analyst, Strategic Incentives


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