Dry Cleaners Registration

Any owner or operator of dry cleaning equipment that is exempt from Regulation 2, Rule 1, Sections 301 and 302 (obtaining an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate) must register each dry cleaning machine (see Regulation 8, Rule 17, Section 404 and Regulation 2, Rule 1, Section 120).

Dry Cleaning equipment that meets the following criteria is exempt from obtaining a Permit to Operate:

  • On a facility-wide basis, gross consumption of petroleum solvent or any other non-halogenated solvent is less than 200 gallons in any consecutive 12-month period
  • The equipment does not use solvent that contains more than 1% by weight of any other halogenated compound, such as perchloroethylene.
  • The equipment does not use solvent that would cause emissions to exceed trigger levels in Regulation 2, Rule 5.

If you are unclear whether your equipment qualifies for registration, submit the forms listed under the section “How to Register” and BAAQMD will make an assessment.

You are required to keep your registration current as long as you operate your equipment subject to the regulation.

How to Register

Qualified Dry Cleaning equipment can be registered by:


The registration fees are:

  • An initial registration fee of $272 per registered machine; and
  • An annual renewal fee of $189 per registered machine.  You will be invoiced separately prior to the expiration of the registration.

Late registrations will incur a back fee equal to the annual renewal fee effective from the effective date of registration requirements, up to a maximum of five years.


BAAQMD recently issued renewal invoices to all facilities with registered dry cleaning equipment to make the registration current.  Depending on the registration expiration for you facility, you will receive future renewal notices accordingly on an annual basis.

Contact Us

Duncan Campbell
Senior Air Quality Permit Technician , Information Services


Judith Cutino
Supervising Air Quality Engineer , Information Services


Contact Us

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  • Friday,

    No Spare the Air Alert in Effect

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