Air Quality Plans

Learn about the Air District’s process, methods, and goals for developing air quality management plans for the Bay Area.

The Air District prepares and updates air quality plans to achieve state and national ambient air quality standards, comply with state and national air quality planning requirements, and maintain healthy air in the Bay Area. To prepare these plans, Air District staff perform detailed technical analyses, including:

  • Air quality monitoring data analysis to identify trends and progress toward reducing air pollutant concentrations.
  • Emissions inventory data analysis to identify key emissions sources and reduction opportunities.
  • Computer modeling to simulate air pollution concentrations and distribution, and to test potential emissions reduction measures.
  • Control measure development to identify cost effective rules and regulations or strategies to reduce emissions.

Air quality plans identify potential control measures and strategies, including rules and regulations that could be implemented to reduce air pollutant emissions from industrial facilities, commercial processes, on and off road motor vehicles, and other sources. The Air District implements these strategies through rules and regulations, grant and incentive programs, public education and outreach, and partnerships with other agencies and stakeholders.

Contact Us

Christy Riviere
Principal Environmental Planner, Planning and Research


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  • Friday,

    No Spare the Air Alert in Effect