Caltrain Strategic Plan (2014)

What is the Caltrain Strategic Plan?
The Strategic Plan establishes a common vision for the agency and will frame key policy, service and investment decisions over the next 10 years.

Caltrain kicked off the Strategic Plan effort at the October 2013 Board meeting. Since that time, staff worked with the board, the Caltrain Citizen’s Advisory Committee, the Bicycle Advisory Committee, the Local Policy Maker Group, other stakeholders and the public to develop and refine a draft strategic plan. Staff presented the key policy text from this draft to the board on August 7, 2014 and subsequently posted a full draft document online for comment. The final strategic plan was adopted by the board on September 4, 2014 and is available for download below.


Strategic Plan Update: Sept. 4, 2014
Strategic Plan Update: Aug. 7, 2014
Strategic Plan Update: May 22, 2014
Strategic Plan Update (Guiding Principles and Goals) : April 3, 2014
Strategic Plan Update: Jan. 30, 2014
Strategic Plan Kick-Off: Oct. 3, 2013

Public Meetings:
Caltrain Board: Sept. 4, 2014
Caltrain Board: Aug. 7, 2014
Public Workshop - Santa Clara County; June 5, 2014
Public Workshop - San Mateo County; June 4, 2014
Public Workshop - San Francisco County; June 2, 2014
Local Policy Maker Group (LPMG): May 22, 2014
Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC): May 21, 2014
Mountain View Chamber of Commerce: April 9, 2014
Caltrain Board: April 3, 2014
Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC): Feb. 19, 2014
Local Policy Makers Group (LPMG): Jan. 30, 2014
Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC): Jan. 16, 2014
Friends of Caltrain, San Carlos City Library: Dec. 16, 2013
Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC): Nov. 20, 2013
Diridon Joint Policy Advisory Board: Nov. 15, 2013
Caltrain Board: Oct. 3, 2013 

Previous Strategic Plan
Caltrain’s previous Strategic Plan was completed in 2004 and is available here.

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