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Special Meeting Annotated Agenda
March 06, 2012




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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

6:30 P.M.

Council Chambers – 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Tom Bates, Mayor


District 1 – Linda Maio

District 5 – Laurie Capitelli

District 2 – Darryl Moore

District 6 – Susan Wengraf

District 3 – Max Anderson

District 7 – Kriss Worthington

District 4 – Jesse Arreguin

District 8 – Gordon Wozniak

Preliminary Matters

Roll Call: 7:09 p.m.  Councilmember Wengraf absent.

Public Comment on Consent Calendar Items Only – 0 speakers.

Agency Action: 
Consent Calendar
Action: M/S/C (Maio/Worthington) to adopt the Consent Calendar in one motion except as indicated.
Vote: Ayes – Maio, Moore, Anderson, Arreguin, Capitelli, Worthington, Wozniak, Bates; Noes – None; Abstain – None; Absent - Wengraf.
1. Minutes for Approval (PDF)
From: City Manager
Recommendation: Approve the minutes for the Authority meeting of April 20, 2010.
Financial Implications: None
Contact: Mark Numainville, Acting City Clerk, 981-6900
Action:  Approved minutes as submitted.
2. Approval of Legal Documents and Related Actions for Harrison House (PDF)
From: City Manager
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the execution of non-disturbance and attornment agreements, and any related legal documents, and approving actions to be taken by the City to facilitate financing for the rehabilitation of Harrison House located at 711 Harrison Street on City-owned property purchased with the proceeds of lease revenue bonds issued by the Joint Powers Financing Authority (JPFA).
Financial Implications: See report
Contact: Jane Micallef, Health, Housing and Community Services, 981-5400
Action:  Adopted Resolution No. 15

Public Comment – Items Not Listed on the Agenda – 0 speakers.

Adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Council rules limit action on Communications to referral to the City Manager and/or Boards and Commissions for investigation and/or recommendations. All communications submitted to Council are public record. Communications are not published directly to the City’s website. Copies of individual communications are available for viewing at the City Clerk Department and through Records Online.

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