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Austrian Development Cooperation

Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) supports countries in Africa, Asia and Central America as well as in South Eastern and Eastern Europe in their sustainable social, economic and democratic development. The Foreign Ministry (FMEIA) plans ADC strategies and programmes. The Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of ADC, implements these together with public institutions, non-governmental organisations and enterprises.other public actors >>

Business partnerships

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Different continents, similar challenges.
Austria to provide 450.000 Euros to promote confidence building between Dniester river banks.

Confidence Building Across the River

Austria to provide 450.000 Euros to promote confidence building between Dniester river banks. more >>

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), a long term partner of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), celebrates three decades for mountains and people.

Regional Centre Marks 30th Anniversary

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), a long term partner of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), celebrates three decades for mountains and people. more >>


ADA Managing Director Martin Ledolter visited Ethiopian farmers in North-Gondar in December. He was informed in many talks about the status of projects and programs of the Austrian Development Cooperation. © ADA

Ethiopian State Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide and ADA Managing Director Martin Ledolter signed a project agreement in support of basic service delivery across Ethiopia on 16 December 2013. © ADA

How could gender issues be fixed in policy dialogue and in programs and projects? Representatives of the priority countries of the Austrian Development Cooperation discussing that matter in a workshop at the ADA. © ADA

FAIRTRADE Austria’s next year’s focus is to strengthen the individual responsibility of their partner organizations. FAIRTRADE sustains families of peasants and plantation workers in development countries to improve their living conditions on their own. © FAIRTRADE

International organisations are distributing foodparcels to Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Daniela Krejdl of the Austrian Development Agency has been to the Middle East last week to get an update about humanitarian aid. © ADA

On 5 December the project "Nosso Jogo - Initiative for global Fair Play in Brasilia" started. Six Austrian NGOs are taking Brasilia to Austria. A large number of cultural and educational events in Austria are taking place before and during the World Cup. © ADA

ADA-Managing Director visited on 4 December the packaging company ALPLA in Hard, Austria. ADA supports together with the Development Bank of Austria an ALPLA-Project for apprentice training in Mexico. © ADA

People are delighted about having fresh yoghurt in Dedougou, Burkina Faso. A local dairy is not taken for granted here, but became possible with the assistance of a regional programme financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation. © ADA

The Practitioners' Network for European Development Cooperation, where the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) has the chair for 2013, took place in the framework of the European Development Days on 27 November. © ADA

On 29 November 2013 ADA Managing Director Martin Ledolter met Vahram Avanesyan, Minister of Economy in Armenia, at the Austrian Development Agency in Vienna. © ADA

On 5 November 2013 ADA Managing Director Martin Ledolter signed together with Michal Kaplan, Director of the Czech Development Agency, a Memorandum of Understanding concerning development cooperation with the Republic of Moldova. © ADA

Tanja Gönner, Chair of the Management Board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), met with Managing Director Martin Ledolter on 30 October, 2013 in the Austrian Development Agency. © ADA

Water and development were lively discussed topics at the open day of the Austrian Foreign Ministry. © ADA

A Delegation of Austrian entrepreneurs visited the Governor of the province of Sofala in Mozambique on 16 October 2013. Opportunities for co-operations in the fields of agriculture and food production amongst others could be realized. The Delegation was organized by the Aussenwirtschaft Austria and the Austrian Development Agency. © ADA

Representatives of the University in Egerton, Kenya, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Austria and the UNESCO-IHE in Netherlands informed about the International Joint Master Degree "Limnology and Wetland Management" in the Austrian Development Agency. © ADA

ADA Managing Director Martin Ledolter desires for a higher priority of development cooperation during a dialogue with Austrian journalists on 8 October 2013 at the Austrian Development Agency. © ADA

The regular meeting for development-policy with Ambassador Michael Linart, head of the section Development Cooperation in the Austrian Foreign ministry, took place on 3 October 2013. © BMeiA/Mahmoud

Education outdoors. The alphabetisation project in the northeastern part of Ethiopia considers the way of life of the nomadic cattle dealers. The project of the Afar Pastoral Development Association (APDA) together with the Austrian non-governmental organisation Sonne International is co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation. © ADA

Konstantine Zaldastanishvili, Ambassador of Georgia in Vienna, made a courtesy call to the Managing Director Martin Ledolter in the Austrian Development Agency on 25 September 2013. © ADA

12 entrepreneurs from Upper Austria and Salzburg were exploring Bhutan in September for potential economic cooperations with local enterprises. © ADA




The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is in charge of implementing all bilateral projects and programmes of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). For this, ADA has various financing instruments at its disposal.

In priority countries and key regions, ADC contributes to implementing national development plans or regional strategies. Increasing use is made of the capacities in the partner countries themselves or programme-based approaches. In most cases funding agreements are concluded with partner country institutions and organisations. In addition programmes and projects can also be implemented by project executing agencies selected by means of calls to tender or an application procedure.

For all developing countries, ADA provides the following aid instruments:

  • NGO cooperation international finances projects and programmes of Austrian non-governmental organisations (NGOs) aiming at improving the conditions of life and development prospects of people in partner countries.
  • Humanitarian aid funds emergency measures in the event of disasters as well as disaster prevention and reconstruction projects in crisis regions.
  • Development communication and education in Austria promotes projects to raise the awareness of the Austrian population for development-policy issues and the global context.
  • Business partnerships support enterprises from Austria or the European Economic Area (EEA) that make long-term investments in developing countries and take active measures to improve the local social, ecological or economic environment.


Assistance for families in need
Bridging Generations and Ethnicities