Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint
Staff Freedom of Information Act
Requester Service Center

The Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff (OSD/JS) FOIA Requester Service Center supports all actions related to Freedom of Information requests submitted by the public for access to records under the control of the Offices of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff, to include specific OSD components.


This office does not process FOIA requests for the entire Department of Defense (DoD). Please direct requests related to the Military Services, Combatant Commands, or other Defense Agencies to the appropriate organization/component that maintains the record(s) of interest.


Before submitting a FOIA request, please check to see if the information you seek is not already in our OSD/JS FOIA Library or other DoD web sites.


Please contact Senior FOIA Advisor Aaron Graves at (866) 574-4970 if you have a question regarding which organization or component maintains the record(s) you are seeking.