Family PACT

Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment

Providing comprehensive family planning services to eligible California residents


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Birth Control Methods

Learn about the birth control methods covered by the Family PACT program

Am I Eligible for Family PACT?

Family PACT covers the family planning needs of California residents who are low income and who have no other source of coverage. Learn if you are eligible for Family PACT.

COVID-19 Updates

To stay informed with the latest available information on the COVID-19 developments and how it impacts Family PACT providers, please visit Family PACT’s COVID-19 page

The Office of Family Planning and Family PACT

The Office of Family Planning (OFP) is charged by the California Legislature “to make available to citizens of the State who are of childbearing age comprehensive medical knowledge, assistance, and services relating to the planning of families”. The purpose of family planning is to provide women and men a means by which they decide for themselves the number, timing, and spacing of their children.

The Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment (Family PACT) Program is administered by the California Department of Health Care Services, OFP and has been operating since 1997 to provide family planning and reproductive health services at no cost to California’s low-income (under 200% federal poverty level) residents of reproductive age. The program offers comprehensive family planning services, including contraception, pregnancy testing, and sterilization, as well as sexually transmitted infection testing and limited cancer screening services. Family PACT serves 1.1 million income-eligible men and women of childbearing age through a network of 2,400 public and private providers.​​

News and Updates


New Webinar: Person-Centered Contraception Counseling for Family PACT Clients

Wed, Oct 19, 2022 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM PDT
Register for webinar
1.5 CME credits available to those who register and attend the LIVE event.

Quality contraceptive care is more than just knowing the facts about all available birth control methods. In order for clients to select methods and get what they want from their birth control, it is crucial to provide contraceptive counseling that helps people identify their preferences in the context of their lives, values, and beliefs. This webinar will review best practices in person-centered contraceptive counseling and offer practical tools for providers to employ in their clinical encounters.


  • Demonstrate skillful, efficient, person-centered questioning for contraceptive care visits
  • Discuss reproductive desires with clients of any gender and sexual orientation
  • Identify 3 examples of plain language to explain characteristics of contraceptive methods
  • Demonstrate Affirm-Share-Ask cycles for person-centered communication

PAVE for Provider Enrollment

OFP is pleased to announce the use of the Provider Application and Validation for Enrollment (PAVE) portal for Family PACT providers. The PAVE portal is a web-based application designed to simplify and accelerate enrollment processes. PAVE will provide a new mode for submitting Family PACT provider enrollment applications and required documentation to DHCS, which will continue to accept Family PACT paper or emailed applications until December 31. With this expansion, active or newly enrolled Medi-Cal fee-for-service providers who are eligible to participate in the Family PACT program will be able to enroll, make changes, recertify, and voluntarily disenroll from the Family PACT program by submitting a supplemental application via the PAVE portal.

DHCS Office of Family Planning Stakeholder Meeting

On August 24, DHCS hosted a virtual family planning stakeholder meeting. You can find meeting notes and slides on the Office of Family Planning webpage.

State Seeks Coverage Ambassadors to Reach Medi-Cal Beneficiaries

California is launching a statewide effort to help Medi-Cal beneficiaries keep their Medi-Cal coverage or be enrolled in other coverage.

During the national public health emergency (PHE), the annual reevaluation of ongoing eligibility was temporarily paused to ensure vulnerable Californians had ongoing access to health coverage. When the PHE ends, the state will resume normal Medi-Cal eligibility operations and the annual eligibility review. As a result of that process, two to three million beneficiaries could no longer be eligible for Medi-Cal. The state, along with its partners, are engaging in a comprehensive campaign to reach beneficiaries with information about what to expect and what they need to do to keep their health coverage.

DHCS has launched a customizable Medi-Cal Continuous Coverage toolkit and webpage to help trusted entities and individuals act as DHCS Coverage Ambassadors to push communications to Medi-Cal beneficiaries to encourage them to update their contact information with their counties to ensure they receive important information about keeping their Medi-Cal coverage.

Our primary goals through the DHCS Coverage Ambassador campaign are to help our beneficiaries keep their current Medi-Cal coverage, get free or low-cost coverage from Covered California or other government programs, or transition to their employer-sponsored health coverage.

The eligibility redeterminations will be conducted by counties based upon a beneficiary’s next annual renewal date (done on a rolling basis and not all at once). Before the PHE, California would review information provided by beneficiaries annually and renew their coverage if they still qualified. When the COVID-19 continuous coverage requirement expires at the end of the PHE, California will need to conduct a full redetermination for all beneficiaries. States will have up to 12 months, plus two additional months due to renewal processing policies, to return to normal eligibility and enrollment operations, which includes conducting a full renewal for all individuals enrolled in Medi-Cal and CHIP.

DHCS will shift the focus of the campaign 60 days prior to the end of the COVID-19 PHE and will encourage beneficiaries to report any changes in their personal circumstances, and check their mail for upcoming renewal packets, should the county be unable to complete the renewal using information already available to them without having to contact the beneficiary.

Updated toolkits will be posted on the DHCS website and be distributed to people who signed up to serve as DHCS Coverage Ambassadors. DHCS encourages everyone to join the mailing list to receive the latest information and updated toolkits.

As additional toolkits or resources become available, DHCS will also email critical updates to keep DHCS Coverage Ambassadors informed so they can spread the word to their community.

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