Embedded Content Policy

When you embed content from Google+ on a webpage, article, or other external location, you must follow the Google Terms of Service, the Google Developers Site Terms of Service, and the following policies:

  1. Make sure that the location on which you embed Google+ content adheres to the Google+ User Content and Conduct Policy. For example, do not embed Google+ content on a webpage that promotes illegal activities, contains sexually explicit material, or includes malicious code.

  2. Do not embed Google+ content in a manner or context that would violate the Google+ User Content and Conduct Policy. For example, do not embed content in a way that results in harassment or bullying of others.

  3. Do not embed Google+ content within advertisements or for other commercial purposes.

  4. Do not alter or obfuscate embedded Google+ content or any of the surrounding presentation, material, or code associated with the embedded Google+ content.

  5. Do not attempt to discover the identity of users who comment or take other action on embedded Google+ content unless the user consents to share his or her identity with you via a Google-approved authorization procedure.

  6. Do not use, sell, or transmit to others any data obtained from the embedded Google+ content, including data related to the user’s interaction with embedded Google+ content. For the avoidance of doubt, this prohibition includes, but is not limited to, any use of pixels, cookies, or other methods to recognize users’ clicks on embedded Google+ content, the data of which is then disclosed, sold, or otherwise shared with other parties.

  7. You must comply with the EU user consent policy.

Google may analyze your use of embedded Google+ content, including to ensure your compliance with these policies and to facilitate our development of tools for embedding content. By embedding Google+ content on a website, you give Google permission to review and analyze that website.

If we are notified that your use of embedded Google+ content violates any of these policies or the Google Terms of Service, we may review and take action, including blocking you from using embedded Google+ content on your website. Please note that we may modify these policies, and that we will post notice of modifications to these policies on this page.