Board of Directors of Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford

Effective April 1, 2015

Ex-Officio Directors

David Alexander, MD, President of Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health
J. Taylor Crandall, Chair of the Board of Directors of Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health
Christopher Dawes, President of Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford
Thomas Krummel, MD, Surgeon in Chief
John Levin, Chair, Stanford Health Care Board of Directors
Dennis Lund, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford
Lloyd Minor, MD, Dean, School of Medicine
Hugh O’Brodovich, MD, Physician in Chief
Amir Dan Rubin, President of Stanford Health Care  
Christy Sandborg, MD, Vice President, Medical Affairs

Elected Directors

Mary Cranston, Chair
Susan Orr, Vice-Chair
Anne Bass
Sue Bostrom
Mariann Byerwalter
Jeff Chambers
Jonathan Coslet
Bill Crown
Susan Ford-Dorsey
Harry Hagey
Frank Lee
John Lillie
Ann Livermore
Dana G. Mead, Jr.
Janesta Noland, MD
Joel Podolny
Mindy Rogers
Jane Shaw
William (Bill) Thompson III
Jorge Titinger
John Walker
Vaughn Williams
Jim Woody, MD

Board Officers:

Mary Cranston, Chair
Susan Orr, Vice Chair
Christopher Dawes, President
Michele Sanchez
, Secretary