The Washington Post

Why a contested Republican convention will not produce a third-party challenge.

  • Todd Zywicki
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  • 1 day ago
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Fortunately, the Washington Court of Appeals has reversed the trial court decision, holding that the order violates the First Amendment.

"Even when protecting free speech conflicts with other important University values, free speech must be paramount."

A new research article shows that under the universal rules that determine the borders of new states, Israel upon its creation have included the West Bank and Gaza.

Those who want government to be color-blind should also be skeptical of immigration restrictions based on people's place of birth.

I will be speaking at Johns Hopkins this month, and NYU and Yale law schools next month.

Louisiana's primary -- which saw Trump winning the vote by losing Election Day -- highlights the pitfalls of early voting, in which different segments of the public are effectively voting in different elections.

Upcoming talks this week on political ignorance, eminent domain, and overcriminalization.

Health care policy for people who don't understand health care, or policy, and for whom that doesn't matter.

"Before you attack others, look up 'podium' and 'lectern'. You used 'podiums' I assume as a plural form of podium when you should have used 'lecterns'."

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