
Sustain Newsletter 

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WBCSD blogs

View from the President »
Sustainable business in context

Notes from America »
Highlighting the US perspective, thinking, best practices and innovation on sustainability issues, from the WBCSD and its members

Inclusive Business perspectives»
Linking local communities with big business

The Sustainable Cities Blog

Scaling up business solutions for a sustainable future

External blogs

Guardian Sustainable Business »
Features a WBCSD perspective on current issues 

Business on the Road to Rio »
A WBCSD/Guardian collaboration exploring Rio+20 and business

The Road to Paris & Beyond


In December 2015,  a new global climate agreement will be negotiated in Paris at the UNFCCC COP 21. This will mark a key moment to shape the post-2020 climate regime. WBCSD is leading business in several key collaborative processes to support an upwards spiral of ambition towards a positive outcome.

A key highlight at COP20 Lima was the launch of the WBCSD partnerships for low carbon business and technology solutions with SDSN, IEA and IDDRI - known as the WBCSD’s Road to Paris. This initiative, which is a robust business-led contribution to the UNFCCC negotiations, is now officially endorsed by the French Presidency and the UNSG, and will explore pathways to scale up action and remove technological barriers, clarify financing needs and formulate clear policy asks for implementation of technologies at scale. This work is a natural extension of the WBCSD’s Action2020 Business Solutions.

Much remains to be done before Paris and impactful engagement for a net zero emissions society within the century requires real actions on the ground by business and governments.

Read more about the WBCSD's Road to Paris


Scaling up action on human rights - Issue brief

In its latest issue brief, the WBCSD identifies a series of barriers and solutions to operationalizing the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. The brief builds on the hands-on experiences of some 20 WBCSD member companies in their efforts to implement the Principles. It also draws from the results of the survey of WBCSD members on the implementation of the UNGPs as well as the broader experience of experts that have worked with companies on these issues across the globe.

Download the issue brief here
The US and China strike ambitious deal to cut emissions

Today, an agreement struck between the US and China provides an important boost to international efforts to reach a global deal on reducing GHG emissions beyond 2020 as part of the UN-led process. The WBCSD strongly supports the unprecedented joint announcement of ambition on climate change targets by the US and China, which together produce around 45 percent of the world's CO2 emissions.

Read the full story here
Business - setting the pace

Atlanta 2014 - Council Member week

WBCSD’s Council meeting in Atlanta was a high energy meeting bringing together some 500 participants from around the world. With the Action2020 platform firmly in place, the WBCSD and its members are now focusing on scaling up the business solutions.

Read more

Member Sustainability Reports

This list of the most recently published member sustainability reports is maintained throughout annual reporting season. It provides transparency on which of our members produces sustainability reports, what they are saying and where their focus lies.

Get the reports here

Member highlights
2015 WBCSD Meeting Dates
Liaison Delegate Meeting April, 20 - 24 Montreux, Switzerland
Council Member Week December, 7 - 10 Paris, France

Member meetings calendar »

Sustainable Forest Management is key to global sustainability

WBCSD’s new Infographic on Forests highlights the importance of ALL forests - the Forest Continuum - and sustainable forest management in meeting the increasing demand for wood, fiber, fuel and food.

Discover the Forest Continuum Infographic
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