Stanford Auxiliary Library 3 (SAL 3) - Phase 2 in Livermore


Project Description

Phase 2 of this project constructed three new storage module and processing spaces at the Auxiliary Library III in Livermore akin to the space built and already in use. The new modules are providing the Libraries storage for an estimated 3 million volumes.




Project Data

Department/School SULAIR
Architect Design/Build
Contractor Devcon
Gross Square Feet 35,542
Construction Schedule Winter 2012-Winter 2013
Project Manager Sandy Louie
Project Website N/A



Current Activity

Current Work
  • Complete. The project received TCO on February 1st, 2013
Safety Reminders
  • No unauthorized persons may enter the construction site without authorization of Devcon for you safety and the safety of others.
Notes For additional information on this project contact the project manager, Sandy Louie.