Knight Management Center

Project Description

The Knight Management Center will be a comprehensive physical environment that allows the Stanford Graduate School of Business to deliver new methods of teaching management and leadership while inviting more collaboration from across the Stanford community. Constructed to be environmentally sustainable, the new campus complements the Business School’s Schwab Residential Center and is designed to support more interaction with University faculty and students, including facilities for cross-disciplinary classes and lectures.

The Knight Management Center will be a collection of eight buildings, set around three quadrangles, comprising 360,000sf of usable area which includes more flexible classroom space for the greater number of small classes and seminars the School now offers, breakout study rooms, dining facilities, a 600-seat auditorium, dedicated space for career management, executive education, and faculty and staff offices.


Project Data

Department/School Graduate School of Business
Architect Boora Architects
Contractor Turner Construction
Gross Square Feet 410,000
Construction Schedule June 2008-April 2011
Project Manager Bijendra Sewak
Project Website N/A


Current Activity

Current Work
  • Complete
  • Top Photo: Campus completion! Photo 1: Conference room patio. Photo 2: The beer garden. 
Safety Reminders


Notes For additional information on this project, contact the project manager, Bijendra Sewak.