Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation
2018 Faculty Scholar Program
On This Page
**Limited program-$75K-$100K Gift funding opportunity for the School of Medicine (including Bioengineering) assistant professors (MCL, UTL, NTLR) early in their careers. An internal selection process is required.**
Website: The Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation does not have a website for your reference. This webpage contains the complete announcement.
Internal submission deadline: Wed., Feb. 7, 2018, 5 p.m. (see internal submission guidelines below)
Number of scholars
4 finalists will be selected to give presentations to the Baxter Foundation Board of Directors in mid to late Winter/early Spring. Ultimately two individuals will be selected as Faculty Scholars by the Board.
Amount of gift funding:
Amount of the gift is $75,000-$100,000 per awardee (includes 8% infrastructure charge; gift amount dependent on foundation's earnings)
The purpose of the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation Faculty Scholar Program is to help prepare and support new investigators at the Assistant Professor level as they begin their careers. This early stage of career development is a critical period for a new researcher. During this period, the new scientist requires some form of support to develop preliminary data and build his or her research program to the point where he or she can compete effectively for federal or other external funding.
- Applicants must be School of Medicine (including Bioengineering) assistant professors with UTL, MCL or NTLR faculty appointments.
- Not eligible: individuals in Instructor, Clinical Instructor or Clinical Assistant Professor positions are not eligible.
- The purpose of the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation Faculty Scholar Program is to help prepare and support new investigators at the Assistant Professor level as they begin their careers.
- As of Feb. 6, 2018, an acting assistant professor's paperwork (the "long form") must be submitted (i.e., the appointment is therefore in process with the Dean's Office Academic affairs department) with the understanding that funding could not be accepted until the appointment is finalized AND Acting assistant professors--you must also be physically here at Stanford by early February in order to be eligible for this round.)
- Applicants must have an M.D., M.D./Ph.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree from an accredited institution.
- Applicants must be involved in basic or clinical research which has the potential for translation.
- For the purposes of this program, translational clinical research is defined as:
- 1) individuals whose research is conducted with human subjects or material of human origin;
- 2) individuals involved in animal studies that are close to taking new therapies to humans;
- 3) individuals involved in later stage development of devices for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes
- The foundation has expressed a preference for proposals that lead to development of new therapies, diagnostic tools, and disease prevention.
- Important note: Our experience with the Baxter Foundation suggests that they favor disease-related basic or clinical research that has the potential to secure federal or other funding once enough data is collected. They tend to favor diseases that impact significant numbers of people or that can serve as models for more than one malady. They care less about immediate translation than possible impact. They wish to understand in lay terms the problem(s) being addressed, the approach(es) taken and what the researcher sees as the next steps once the work is completed. They are open to highly technical work if it is first described in terminology they can understand.
- Other funding-NIH K career development award: having a K award is permitted.
- Other funding: Question: I have an R01, am I eligible? Per the Medical Center Development Office (MCD): "All things being equal, a person who already has secured NIH funding would be viewed less favorably by the Baxter Foundation since they want their funding to help new investigators get their research off the ground in order to be competitive for NIH and other external funding."
Internal Submission Guidelines
By Wed., Feb. 7, 2018, 5 p.m., please send one PDF file containing the following in the order listed below via email attachment to:
Jeanne Heschele
Research Management Group at
Institutional representatives: not applicable. You do not have to submit your proposals through your RPM for his or her approval.
File name: Last name_Baxter_2018.pdf
1) Title page
Title of this RFA: Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation Faculty Scholars Award
Title of your project:
Name of the PI title, department, address, phone, email
2) Nomination letter printed on your department letterhead addressed to Dr. Peter Sarnow and the School of Medicine Awards Committee signed by your division chief or department chair.
3) One page Lay abstract (a critical component of the application)
4) 4 page Research Proposal (illustrations & references not included in page total) Font size at least 11 with half-inch margins, single-spaced.
Include PI name and Project title
5) NIH-format biosketch
6) Other funding--current and pending, sponsor, amount of funding, term
Selection Process
Your nomination packet will be distributed to the faculty members on the School of Medicine Awards Committee. The 4 finalists selected by the Awards Committee will be expected to provide a presentation to the Baxter Foundation Board in late Winter/early Spring. The Medical Center Development's Office Corporate and Foundation Relations team will work closely with the finalists to help them prepare for their presentations to the Baxter Foundation Board of Directors.
The board will select two Faculty Scholars. Awardees are expected to provide both a written and oral report at the end of the first year.