Research Management Group (RMG)

Pew Scholar Program in the Biomedical Sciences

***Limited Funding Opportunity for all Stanford assistant professors* with PI eligibility--with UTL, MCL and NTL-Research faculty appointments-- of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health.  *Applicants must have been in their appointment for less than three years (not appointed before June 29, 2015). They encourage applications from individuals from diverse backgrounds, such as physics and engineering, who are using their expertise to tackle biomedical research questions.

Note to cancer researchers: you are encouraged to submit your proposals to the separate program, Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research, that has a June 4th internal deadline. (webpage >>)

# of applicants permitted: 1 (see internal submission guidelines below >>)

Internal deadline for each School (see contact list below*):  Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 5 p.m. (see the internal submission guidelines below)
Each school submits their top 3 proposals to the Dean of Research Office: June 18, 2018, p.m.
The Dean of Research Office Limited Review Committee will meet on June 25, 2018.
Information on Stanford's nominee submitted to the sponsor: June 29, 2018
The sponsor will then send the applicant the login credentials for their online application system which will open July 16, 2018.
For the applicant selected:
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) deadline: Oct. 8, 2018
Sponsor's deadline: Oct. 15, 2018

School Contacts:

Sponsor website >>
Note: please read the Stanford eligibility clarification section below before reading the sponsor's guidelines.

Previous recipients webpage >>


Amount of funding:
$75,000/year for 4 years ($300,000 total)
Not more than 8% of the total award may be allocated for overhead costs.


The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The funding for these awards is provided by the Pew Charitable Trusts. The Program makes grants to selected academic institutions to support the independent research of outstanding individuals who are in their first few years of their appointment at the assistant professor level.

Based on their performance during their education and training, candidates should demonstrate outstanding promise as contributors in science relevant to human health. Strong proposals will incorporate particularly creative and innovative approaches. Candidates whose work is based on biomedical principles, but brings in concepts and theories from more diverse fields, are encouraged to apply. Risk-taking is encouraged.



Review Criteria:


By Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 5 p.m., please submit one PDF containing the following in the order listed below to your respective school's contact person:

File name: PI Last Name_Pew_2018.pdf

Institutional representatives: not applicable. You do not need to submit your internal proposals to RMG or OSR for their approval. You can submit them directly to your school representative above.

a) Title Page
Pew Scholars Program in Biomedical Sciences
Title of your proposal
Your name,
Title, your type of appointment (UTL, MCL, or NTLR) and start date (the date approved by the Provost Office)
Your department
Email address

b) Nomination (recommendation) letter addressed (**) printed on your department letterhead and signed by either your division chief (if applicable) or your department chair
Please include the date the Provost Office formally approved your appointment as an assistant professor in the MCL, UTL, or Research line.
As the sponsor gives considerable weight to evidence that the candidate is an independent investigator and to significant published work, the nomination letter should provide evidence of the creativity and publication list of the nominee. This letter should also confirm that the candidate will devote at least 80% of his or her time conducting research.

**Each nomination letter should be addressed as follows (according to your respective school):

c) 4 page scientific abstract/research proposal (illustrations and references not included in the page limit)
Format: Arial or Helvetica font (no smaller than size 11), half-inch margins, single spaced.

d) NIH-format biosketch

e) List of ALL other support, current AND pending (list name of sponsor, amount and term of funding)


Selection process:
Each school will select the top 3 proposals to be forwarded to Jeanne Heschele by June . Jeanne will distribute those proposals to Dr. John Brauman and the Dean of Research Office Limited Program Internal Review committee members. That committee will select the applicant to represent Stanford so that the information on the applicant can be submitted to Pew by June 29th. The applicant's full proposal will be due at the sponsor by  Oct. 15, 2018.


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