Research Management Group (RMG)

Simons Foundation
Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Simons Investigators in Mathematics, (Theoretical) Physics, (Theoretical) Astrophysics and Theoretical Computer Science
*Request fo Nominations*

**Limited program for tenured Stanford faculty and/or faculty who will be tenured by the start date of the appointment (Aug. 1, 2018), and whose research involves one of four categories: mathematics, (theoretical) physics, (theoretical) astrophysics, or theoretical computer science. Two applicants are permitted for each category, therefore, a university-wide internal selection process is required.

Note: the appointment need not be in a mathematics, physics, or computer science department.

The 2017 internal deadline has passed. This webpage is for your reference only.

The sponsor asks that nominations be treated confidentially – the nominees should not know they are being nominated, if possible.

# of nominations permitted from Stanford:
2 in each of the four categories: mathematics, (theoretical) physics, (theoretical) astrophysics, theoretical computer science

Internal Dean of Research Office deadline: Wed., Aug. 16, 2017, 5 p.m.*
*nomination packets to be submitted by Department Chairs or their designees (see internal submission guidelines below)*
Dept. Chairs to be notified as to whether or not their nominee was selected: Aug. 24, 2017
Departments to submit nomination packets for the two nominees selected in each category to their CGO in OSR by: Oct. 24, 2017
Sponsor’s nomination deadline*: Oct. 31, 2017 via proposal central
(*nominations to be submitted by institutional representative in RMG or OSR)
Appointment start date:  Aug. 1, 2018

Download a PDF file of the 2018 guidelines >>   PDF
Note: This RFP does not appear on the Simons Foundation's website.


Amount of Funding:



The Simons Investigators in Mathematics, (Theoretical) Physics, Astrophysics and Theoretical Computer Science program aims to provide a stable base of support for outstanding scientists, enabling them to undertake long-term investigations of the fundamental theoretical questions in their fields. The intent of the program is to support these scientists in their most productive years, when they are establishing creative new research directions, providing leadership in the field and effectively mentoring junior scientists .

Allowable Expenses:
The funding provided to a Simons Investigator may be used at the Investigator’s discretion to support research expenses in the following categories. The funding provided to a Simons Investigator may be used at the Investigator’s discretion to support research expenses in the following categories:

Expenditures in other expense categories may be possible but must be approved in advance by the foundation. Investigator funds may not be used for sabbatical salary support or teaching relief of any kind.

Funding provided for the Investigator’s department should be used at the discretion of the department chair to provide support for seminars, visitors, refreshments and related expenditures that benefit the research activities of the department. Funds may also be used to subsidize meals for faculty, students and visitors. In addition, these funds may be used to help pay for furniture and research infrastructure, such as copiers, computer servers and computer support..



The sponsor asks that nominations be treated confidentially – the nominees should not know they are being nominated, if possible.

By Wed., Aug. 16, 2017, 5 p.m., Department chairs or their designees, please submit one PDF file containing the following in the order listed below for each nominee to:

Jeanne Heschele
Limited Submission Program Coordinator Dean of Research Office
Funding Opportunity Administrator, Research Management Group

File name: Nominee's Last name_Simons_Investigator_.pdf

1) Title Page
Simons Investigators in Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics, and Theoretical Computer Science
Topic area (enter 1): Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Astrophysics or Theoretical Computer Science
PI name, title, department, address, phone, email address

2) Two page*-Nomination letter from the nominee's department chair printed on department letterhead addressed to the Dean of Research Office Limited Program review committee "explaining the distinctive scientific contributions of the nominee, focusing on scientific accomplishments of the past five years and including discussion of a few important papers."
*Note: this is the page limit established by the sponsor and will be a critical part of the nomination packet sent to the sponsor. The foundation's selection will be based entirely on each nominee's two page letter and CV.

3) The nominee’s curriculum vitae, "including Ph.D. year, institution, advisor, postdoctoral institutions and advisors, positions held subsequent to award of doctorate, a list of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows mentored by the nominee, and the nominee’s up-to-date publication list"

4) The nominee’s current and pending research support (include sponsor name, term, amount of funding)


Selection Process
Your internal proposals will be reviewed by the Dean of Research Office internal review committee. That committee will select the two nominees in each category who will represent the university.


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